Bouquets ( FINAL)

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I stared at my reflection nervously. I fixed my top even though there was nothing wrong. I bit my lip as I examine myself again. My hair was styled into loose natural curls, my makeup was light, and my uniform is ironed and clean.

I heaved a big sigh and went downstairs not forgetting the navy blue toga that was layed on my bed. As I was on the last step, I heard eomma gasps.

"I'm so proud of you, darling." Eomma said before giving me a kiss on the forehead.

She was wearing a pretty pastel pink dress and white heels. Someone could have mistaken her as my sister to be honest. Appa then came down stares and I swear that he almost shed a tear. He too, was dresses nicely, clad in a white button up and black trousers with black shiny shoes.

Emma, RC, and Chloe will meet us at my school since Taehyung booked them a hotel. They graduated earlier than me meaning that they are on a break now. I still refused when Taehyung insisted on paying things. He spends a lot on me which I still need to get used to.

We then enter the car and drive off to my school.


"Q!" Chloe waved at us as soon as I am in front of the school gates.

"Hi guys!" I ran to them and we grouped hug. "Let's get in."

We all headed to my class where the students are getting ready. When we stepped in, I can tell they are staring at us. We did walk through the halls gaining attention from the whole school that one time.

I spot Taehyung with two adults, one I recognized as his father. Taehyung turned around and smiled widely when he saw me. He rushed to me and holds my hand before pulling me to meet his parents.

I know I met his father at the beach that time, but I never met his mother. Is his mother the same like those cruel ones in some fan fictions I've read?

When we were both in front of them, Tae's father smiled and greeted me. I greeted him as well with a smile on my face. I then turned to his mother, which surprisingly invites me in a warm hug.

"You're beautiful just as my son told me. He's so lucky to have you, sweetie." I smiled so wide I think I could feel my cheeks ache.

We both pulled back and I saw how she resembled Taehyung in so many ways. He has such a beautiful mother too.

"And he is lucky to have a mother as kind hearted as you, Mrs. Kim." I praised making her giggle softly.

"Isn't she wonderful, eomma?" Taehyung asked making me blush.

Before his mom can answer, one of the teachers called us to go to the auditorium. The students and their families filed out of the classroom and headed to the auditorium.

Me and Taehyung seperated from our parents since the graduates have their own seats. On the way, we met the rest of BTS. We sit together and I sat next to Taehyung. Soon the ceremony started.

The principal was giving a speech including the school's committee. Even Carol got a chance to do a speech representating the students. Time passed by and it was time to receive our certificates.

A lot of names were being called up front. When Carol's name was called, I cheered for her with pure happiness. She received her certificate and a hug from the principal which was her mom. And went back to her seat.

"Song Queensly."

After my name was mentioned, Taehyung gave me a hug and as I stood up, the others huddled up for a group hug.

"We're proud of you, Quinn." Hoseok smiled.

I nod while smiling before coming up to the stage to receive my certificate. Ms. Lee shake my hands and gave me a hug before I retrieve back to my seat.

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