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My feet was trembling and I can't seem to think straight. I know I could fight him, but the thought of him touching me makes my body go all numb.

"Another guy. I'm impressed, missy." The guy said.

He was not alone. There were a few guys behind him and I know I can't knock them all. Even Daejin couldn't help. He was a wimp, that's for sure.

"Who are you guys? Don't come any closer!" Daejin growled.

The men just laughed and I could feel myself getting weaker. I just want to faint right now.

"I guess that guy isn't here to help you anymore." He smirked before he signaled the guys behind him.

They all moved forward and grabbed Daejin. He tried to struggle but there was no use. We're outnumbered.

"Let him go." I stare at him, trying so hard not to show that I'm scared. "You have a problem with me, not him."

"You're being brave, I see." The guy smiled devilishly. "What makes you think I would do that?"

"Cause he have nothing to do with this. It's just between you and me." I said sternly. I saw Daejin's eyes was filled with fear. I couldn't drag him into my problems.

"Well, that's true. Okay then." The guy signalled them to release him and once they did, Daejin runs away. "He wasn't a heroic type anyway."

Now I am so screwed.

Taehyung's Pov

I groaned as I see the clock. Why is it so slow?

Detention is the worst. I literally don't know what to do. It's basically doing nothing for a long period of time. I shouldn't have come late.

After a few minutes, the teacher who is watching us stood up. We all looked at him curiously.

"Sorry guys, I have a sudden problem so detention will be dismissed early. You may pack your bags." With that he shove his things into his bag and left.

We all cheered before walking out of the horrible room. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank you for the one who cause Mr. Lee problems." Jimin said while raising both of his arms to the air.

"Should we..." Yoongi lift his two fingers in front of his lips.

"Yeah, sure. Leggo!" Jungkook said before walking ahead of us, his finger pointing to the exit.

I smiled before we all walked out of the doors and to the bus stop. Before the bus stop was in sight, I heard some groaning. I thought it was my imagination, but the others seems to hear it too.

We walked further and there we saw a girl was cornered with a bunch of guys. We were the type to not care. We don't want to meddle with someone else's business. It will just trouble ourselves.

We just stood there, waiting for the bus to arrive. I hear the girl groaned and I somehow know that voice.

"For a girl, you really could fight." A hoarse voice ringed through my eardrums.

That voice also sounds familiar, but I choose to shut up and mind my own business.

"What? You think that guy will come and save you again? Don't be pathetic. You're alone now." The voice spat.

"I don't need him to save me. It's my life, I get to fight for it." My eyes widened at the oh so familiar voice.

I turned around and saw Quinn holding her stomach with her bruised arm. Her legs were all scratched and the side of her face has a little blood spot on it. She was shaking, she couldn't hold it anymore.

"Quinn!" I rushed to her and the buff guy from that party smirked.

"Oh wow! I guess he did come. Sadly, your little girlfriend is all bruised and shit. Sorry, not sorry." The guy smiled evilly. "But we are nine and you? Let's just be logic here, two can't fight all nine of us."

"Oh but we could." Jimin sounded and it suddenly went into a punch festival.

The buff guy plunge for me and I instantly moved away. I laid Quinn near the bus stop before leaving and tackled the guy.

"You fuckard! Couldn't you just get lost!" I shouted with pure anger.

I punched his face over and over. I could see his nose bleeding. I finally kicked him in the stomach.

Then I heard Quinn grunt and when I look back she was kneeing a guy in his crotch. I immediately turned around but the guy was already far away from me.

"Come on! We'll be back after we speak to X." The guy said and all the other dudes limp their way back to him before disappearing from our sights.

Quinn's Pov

I sighed when they all went away. I walked to the bus stop and sit down on the bench. It hurts so bad.

I hissed when I touched the scar on my face. It was tiny but it sure hurts like crazy.

I hold back my tears and breathe slowly to reduce the excruciating pain. Oh gawd, spare me now.

Then I see the boys approached me with worried looks all over their faces. I don't want them to look like this, it's the least thing that I want.

"You guys look ugly like that." I tried to laugh but I hissed when the pain started to hit my stomach.

They really love to aim at my stomach. I guess that is everybody's weak spot.

"Quinn, we need to take you to the hospital." Jin sighed.

"Yeah, I think your stomach is pretty damaged." Hoseok nodded.

"No, I don't want to go back to that dreadful place. I don't want to lay in bed and do nothing." I shook my head. "I will be fine, just some painkillers would do the trick."

"Quinn, we are all worried about you. Stop being like this and just listen." Taehyung holds both of my shoulders gently. His eyes were pleading for me to say yes.

"Your health is more important to us. We can't bare see you like this, do it for us, please." I sighed before nodding.

They all smiled and I smiled back at them.

"What will my parents say? They never thought their sweet little child will have a fight." I sighed with worry. I don't want my parents to know and I couldn't lie to them, I just can't.

"Don't worry, we'll explain everything for you." Namjoon said before a car stopped in front of us.

"Come on, Mr. Bang is waiting for us." Jungkook said and we all slipped in the car.

I almost forget that they are filthy rich. I should have known Jungkook has a personal driver.

I hope everything will go well.

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