New Friend

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"Didn't know that you like saying cheesy things." He laughed only for me to blush harder.

"I do it to lighten the mood." I pouted while kicking a pebble that gets into my way with so much force.

"What did that pebble ever did to you?" He questioned whilst shoving his hands in his pocket.

I shrugged my shoulders before diverting my eyes to the front where my house is seen from afar.

"You could go back now." I said.

Then Taehyung stopped his steps abruptly making me look at him in confusion.

"Why?" He questioned.

"What do you mean why?" I asked back. My body has fully turned to him while my hands is on my hips.

"Why should I stop here? I wanna see your parents." His statement made me choke on my own saliva. I coughed while patting my chest. I looked at him in bewilderment questioning him with my eyes.

"Why do you want to meet my parents?" I crossed my arms over my chest. My eyebrows furrowed together while searching any hints of joking.

He just shrugged and continue walking to the direction of my house. I eye him with wide eyes as he walked casually to my house as if he was walking to his own home.

"Are you serious?" I caught up with him. He nods and I instantly went up to my door and blocked it.

"Andwae!" I stand in front of the door whilst my hands are out and stretched so he can't pass. But what I didn't expect is, he still walked to my door. When he was now in front of me, my eyes widened.

He leaned closer and I immediately shut my eyes. My heartbeat was beating a mile per hour, my palms turned into fist, ready to punch him. He was so close, I could feel his breath hitting my face.

Then my eyes shot open when the doorbell suddenly rung. I saw a smirking Taehyung in front of me whilst crossing his arms.

"What's wrong with you? Are you...blushing?" I could sense the teasing in his tone.

I was taking deep breaths while my cheeks was red as a tomato. I glare at him but before I could say anything, the doors flew open.

"Hello, Mrs Song." I narrowed my eyes at him while he bowed to eomma.

"Quinn?" I turn around with a fake wide smile on my face while bowing down to eomma.

"Eomma!" I say enthusiastically.

"Who is this?" Eomma said, totally ignoring me.

"H-He is..."

"My name's Kim Taehyung. Sorry for the sudden visit, Mrs Song." He gave his oh-so-amazing signature smile.

"No, no. It is fine. Why don't you let him in?" Eomma asked making my eyes widened in shock,

"What?" I scoff but only to be ignored by eomma as she ushered Taehyung into my house.

"Quinn never bring a guy friend with her. You must be very nice and kind." I scoff at eomma's remark before taking off my jacket.

As I walk to the stairs I stopped before I even could reach one step.

"Why don't you show Taehyung your room?" My mouth fall open and I took a quick glance to Taehyung and saw he was sticking out his tongue.


I stomp up the steps while mumbling to myself. I pursed my lips while walking to my room.

"What's wrong?" The voice made me pout.

"I don't know." I mumble while opening my room door and gesturing him to come in first.

"What do you mean you don't know?" He questioned, whilst plopping on the edge of my bed.

"Eomma always warns me about boys, but now look." I pointed to the door. "She was overjoyed seeing you."

A sat on my dresser and pouted whilst thinking how did eomma even let him into my room, alone.

"Maybe your mom likes me." He shrugged only to earn a glare from me.

"Yeah right." I scoffed before standing up.

Just before I wanted to open my mouth and say something, eomma called for both of us and I pursed my lips. I opened the door and gestured him to go after me.

When we both reach downstairs, my mom was placing various of foods on the table which make my mouth gaped a little.

"Shut your mouth Quinn or a fly could go right in." My mom snapped and I immediately shut my mouth earning a low chuckle from V.

"It's dinner time. You should stay since Quinn's dad isn't here." Eomma offered and V can't do anything but accept.

We all take a seat and look at all the tasty foods. My mouth watered, when I was about the reach for the kimchi, but eomma slapped my hands away.

"Ouch...eomma!" I whined.

"Guest first." My mom said.

I pouted and watch as Taehyung took the kimchi with his chopsticks and purposely eat it in front of my eyes. I bit my bottom lip, trying to hold myself from snatching the bowl of kimchi away.

"It's delicious." Taehyung smiled making me roll my eyes.

"Thank you so much, dear." Eomma thanked before she take food for herself.

I instantly took the kimchi, fried chicken, and the rice. Not wanting to waste any time, I ate a big piece of the chicken and stuff it with kimchi. I didn't care how ugly I look cause I don't know why, but I suddenly felt starving after seeing V devour his kimchi.

"Quinn, slow down. You might choke." Eomma warned but it was too late.

I was already coughing whilst hitting my chest over and over. Taehyung then took his glass of water beside him that eomma had prepared for him.

"Here." He offered and put it near my lips. I drink the water while he hold it for me. My hands were on my chest, feeling the heartbeat that is pacing in an inhuman speed. I can't help but stare at him in awe.

When the water is all gone, V pulled it away and place it down in front of his plate. I felt awkward after that incident so I kept quiet for the whole time while Taehyung and eomma starts a conversation that I can't grab what they're talking about.

A few minutes has passed and it was getting dark outside. Me and eomma were bidding goodbye to V.

"Thank you for the dinner, Mrs. Song." Taehyung bowed down to eomma. I see the expression of eomma when she stared at Taehyung. She looked pleased.

"Goodbye!" Taehyung waved as he walked away. "See you at school tomorrow, Quinn."

"Yea..." I trailed off whilst sending a small wave to him.

When he was out of our sight, we went back in. I sighed as I plop down on the couch. I notice eomma staring at me with a smile plastered on her face.

"What...?" I say whilst closing my eyes feeling a little sleepy.

There was a minute of silence and I could've sworn that I would drift off at the couch by now, but I hear eomma's voice loud and clear.

"I like him."

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