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I stand there frozen. The feeling of fear suddenly rushed inside me.

He is there.

He is right on top of my staircase, with my mom and a gun on her head. Just by the sight of it scares me. I'm scared if he will pull the trigger and eliminate my mother right in front of my eyes.

"Welcome home, Ms. Song." Jungyoon smirked at me before slowly getting downstairs. "Let's make a deal. You follow me and your mother won't get killed. It's that simple."

"How can I believe you?" I said lowly, staring intently at the man who holds my beloved mother.

"I'm a man of my words, I don't break deals." He reached the last step and now he is in front of me. "Unless your mother is planning to call the cops, I won't hesitate on shooting her right now."

I gulped. The thought of my mother lying lifeless on the house floor petrified me. I don't want that to happen at all.

"Okay." I sighed in defeat.

"Quinn, no!" Eomma desperately shouted only for the gun to be shoved to her temple even more.

"Eomma, I'll be fine." I reassured her, even though I'm not sure myself.

Jungyoon slowly release her and quickly run to me and replace the gun on my back. His other free hand holds my wrist tightly.

"Eomma, don't tell anyone, okay? I'll be back, if you just don't tell any single soul." A smile was plastered on my face, even though it was a forced one.

Eomma just nodded whilst her tears were non-stop. She was holding her chest with both of her hands. It hurts me so much to see her like this.

"Let's go." Jungyoon's voice rang through my ears.

He pulled me out of the house harshly and I was surprised when I saw a black van parked outside my house.

He pushed me into the van, then another guy holds a handkerchief and place it over my mouth forcefully. I tried not to breathe or else I'll pass out.

I slowly closed my eyes, trying to fool them. I want them to think that I fainted, when actually I'm still holding my breath.

Once I closed my eyes, he removed the handkerchief and put me on the back of the van. I heard the door closes and felt the van move.

I finally took a breath and looked around. I was actually alone, maybe Jungyoon was at the front seat.

There was no window, meaning I don't have any idea where would they take me. Then I smiled when I felt my phone in my pocket. Jungyoon was stupid enough to not check my pockets.

I took it out and instantly text Taehyung.

Tae, help me. Jungyoon
was at my house and he is now
taking me somewhere

He read the message quickly and replied to it immediately.

Turn on your phone.
I'll track you.

I quickly put my phone in my pocket and just wait.

Taehyung's Pov

I immediately called Jungkook to see if he could track Quinn's phone down. Me being worried would be an understatement.

"Hello?" Jungkook's voice rings from the other end.

"Hey, JK. Could you track Quinn's phone down?" I said in such a hurry.

"Sure, what's wrong hyung?" Jungkook said as I heard tapping of keyboards being pressed.

"Quinn's kidnapped by Jungyoon."

Quinn's Pov

The van stopped, I quickly shut my eyes and lay on the floor of the van. Once the back door was open, I was carried somewhere.

I heard a metal door opened and the temperature immediately fell. I was surprised that I didn't shiver at all.

A few minutes later I was placed onto a chair and my hands and ankles were tied. Then the door opened and close leaving me all alone in the room.

I opened my eyes and I scanned the whole room. It was dark and it was a cement kind of walls. I'm guessing I'm in a abandoned warehouse. The cliché place where criminals hang.

I remember my phone was still in my pocket, they didn't even try to check it. Taehyung will come, I just know it.

He'll never leave me like this. I know he is tracking me down, but i can't help but to be scared. We have rights to be scared when we're kidnapped. It ain't something funny.

I waited patiently until the door opened, I was too late to pretend so I make it look like I just woke up from a deep slumber.

"Aww, look who finally decided to wake up." Jungyoon's voice rang through my eardrums.

"Get me out of here!" I frustratedly shout.

"Nope." He said popping the p.

"Why are you doing this? Taehyung won't ever come. Heck, he doesn't even know that I'm here." I lied.

"True, but you are useful. Through you, we could make BTS gone like wind." He took another chair that is in front of me and sat on it.

"You can never do that. They are much better than your pesky little gang." I spit out.

I kinda regret it because the next thing I know I was slapped hard across the face. I think my neck sprained a little because of the impact.

"You shut your little fucking mouth or I'll shoot it!" Jungyoon pulled out a gun and face it to me.

Okay, now it is the right time to pee in my pants, which I didn't.

"X will deal with you." He stood up and roughly push the chair away before walking out of the room, leaving me again.

Where is Taehyung?

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