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"Are you perhaps...thinking about me?"

My eyes widened before snapping my head towards him. His cheeky smile mocking me.

"What are you talking about!?" I screech but only to be shushed by the librarian.

Taehyung laughed because of my reaction causing me to pout even more. I glare at him who is laughing so hard. I'm surprised the librarian didn't scold him.

"It's okay. Many people thinks about me." Taehyung said making me gag playfully.

"Stop with your over self-confidence, you dimwit." I snapped making his mouth shut.

"Oh, are you mad? Is Quinn mad at me?" Taehyung started to baby talk with me even though I didn't responded, he still kept on going.

"Would you please stop." I mumbled but loud enough for Taehyung to hear.

Now, Taehyung is just sitting there. Showing me his boxy smile that somehow I love. I glance at him a few times, but he is just doing nothing.

"What are you doing?" I asked, brows scrunched to each other.

"You said stop so I stop." He smiled at me.

"Tch, so childish." I clicked my tongue making him pout.

And okay, I know fangirling isn't allowed but he's so cute! I never seen him pout before and I gotta admit, his demeanor changed 180 degrees. I was shocked but I didn't show it to him.

I just rolled my eyes before grabbing my phone to avoid his gaze. His gaze always makes me nervous, I just don't know why.

"Don't ignore me." Taehyung's pout becomes a frown and I could only sigh.

"What do you want?" I look back at him but soon regret it as I see his eyes bored into mine.

"I want to talk about that night."

"What night?" My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to think about the specific night he's talking about. I was confused.

"You don't remember?" Now it's Taehyung's turn to furrow his brows.

I shook my head slowly as I saw Taehyung stared blankly at me with no expressions.

"That night...when we kiss." Then realization hit me. My face suddenly heats up and I avoided his gaze.

"What about that?" I quickly said still looking to my comfort zone, the floor.

"I'm sorry." I looked at him wide eyed.  "I didn't know what was I thinking back there. Now I feel guilty."

"It's my first kiss." I mumbled but I guess Taehyung heard everything. Even the sadness in my tone.


"I was saving my first kiss for someone who I truly love. I know it's ridiculous but for me it means a lot." I sigh before taking a quick glance at Taehyung.

His hands clasp together on the table. I could see guilt was consuming him and I suddenly feel bad.

"B-But don't worry!" I quickly reassure him. "Its in the past. The past is the past."

Silence was eating away and I feel so nervous. The tension was indescribable. Taehyung was also quiet, he's not uttering a single word. I regret saying those things. Why can't my mouth just stay shut!

"Do you..." I looked up to Taehyung waiting for him to continue. "regret it?"

He looked up at me expectantly. Waiting for an answer. I was loss of words. Sure I was disappointed but regret? I don't know.

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