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Taehyung's Pov

School ended and I was rushing through the hallways. I walked out of the building before walking to my car.

I decided to use my car since I couldn't go faster with the bus. I need to be there as fast as I can.

I turned on the ignition and drove away.

In the middle of the road, I stopped when I saw a chocolate shop at the side road. I debated with myself to buy it or not and I finally chose to buy it.

I stepped out of my car before walking into the shop. The smell of chocolate hit my nostrils and I feel myself grinning. I wanted to get the best one for her.

I walked up to the counter after looking at the delicious sweets.

"May I help you?" The worker asked with a bright smile.

"Uh...yes, I want the best chocolate you have." I answered before taking out my wallet from my back pocket.

The worker smiled before taking a chocolate from the display and place it on the counter.

"Please try. These are the best selling chocolates we have." She offered and I took one before plopping it in my mouth.

My eyes brightened before nodding and smiling to the worker. When I swallowed the chocolate, I tell her that I want this kind of chocolates.

"It must be for your girlfriend." She smiled while packing the chocolates in a box.

I scratched the back of my neck. "N-Not really."

She looked up to me and her face shows confusion but then her face morphed into a smiley one once again.

"Whoever that person is, she or he must be lucky." She gave the chocolate box that has been put in a plastic bag to me.

I smiled before taking it and said a thank you while bowing down and leaving the store. I placed the chocolate at the passenger seat after I slip in my car.

I drove away again and directly went to the place I have been visiting lately. It somehow makes me feel giddy to go there again.

After parking my car, I went in the building and taking the elevator to find the room. I walked pass all the doors, I don't need to look at them anymore since I remember pretty easily.

I knocked on the door before opening it slowly. Then her mom greets me with a smile.

"Hello Mrs. Song, sorry for the wait." I bowed down before standing up straight.

"No it's okay. I'm sorry that you need to come here often." She apologized but I quickly shook my head.

"No, I love to come here. I could accompany her here." I smiled at her.

She smiles softly before letting me to come in the room. I saw her father on the couch while looking at his tablet. He was really a busy man, but he spend time to be with his daughter.

I glance at Quinn who is sleeping on the hospital bed. She seems so peaceful and in ease at this moment.

After what happened three days ago, she suddenly fainted and we brought her to the hospital. I also called her parents through her phone since I don't have their phone number.

The doctor said she had a panic attack and needs a lot of rest. He recommendend that Quinn should stay here for a while so she could fully rest and not do tiring activities.

"She's asleep. She hadn't sleep for awhile and I guess watching dramas tired her out. I want you to stay with her. We need to go back home to take some stuffs and run some errands." Mrs. Song explained as I nod my head with a smile.

"Okay," she glance over her husband. "Yeobo, let's go."

Mr. Song got off the couch before heading towards me. I don't know why I feel nervous, is like Mr. Song's opinion about me should be nice otherwise I will feel like I failed something even though I don't have anything to worry about.

"I trust you with her." Mr. Song place his right hand on my left shoulder.

"Now, let's go. Bye, Taehyung." Mrs. Song bid goodbye while pulling her husband out of the door.

I grinned before staring at her beautiful figure in front of me. My face turned into a guilty look.

I knew that unsettling feeling the moment she was out of my sight. I knew that worried feeling in the pit of my stomach when she was no where to be found, but I chose to shrugged it off.

My mind was filled with her while I drank that alcoholic liquid. I kept telling myself she will be fine until a girl suddenly said that she was in trouble.

My chest hurts when I saw her in the corner of the room screaming and sobbing while a guy was all over him. A punch isn't enough to satisfy myself, if it isn't for Carol who called me, I could've killed him on the spot.

Guilt was eating me alive the moment she sobbed on my shoulders. I can't help but to feel that this is my fault.

I'm so sorry.

It was all because of me. My brain just won't admit that you'll be in trouble. I don't want to look protective in front of you even my friends. I was so into my reputation that I didn't think about you. I don't want you mistook my kindness.

I may be an asshole, but I respect women. I love my mother, even though she was always busy, she tried to have some time for me. Even if it was only a hug.

"Why are you crying?" A small voice called making me snapped out of my thoughts.

"Nothing. Something went into my eyes." I was relieved when she smiled.

Quinn's  Pov

I know he's lying, but I don't want to push him further. He's feeling guilty again. His face shows it all.

I wish I could find words to comfort him, but I'm just not a good talker like in dramas. I'm just me. There is nothing special about me.

He was still in his thought, his teeth nibbles on his bottom lip. I smiled at the overload cuteness.

"Tae, how was the others?" I wanted him to be distracted. I want him to forget the thought of being his fault. He was still my lifesaver, I'm already grateful that he came. He could've just ignore me and I could never feel worthy of myself anymore.

"They were constantly asking me your condition and sometimes it annoys me." He ranted making me giggle.

"Really?" I said as my smile got wider hearing that.

"And they won't stop bugging me until they got the chance to see you. I said that you were still in the condition to rest but they were just stubborn...ugh." I turned into a fits of laughter and I saw his lips slightly tugs upwards.

"Tell them they could meet me tomorrow. I kinda miss them." I stated earning a chuckle from Taehyung.

"Sure, I'll tell them." There was silence for a moment and I decided to break it off.

"Taehyung?" I called and he respond with a hum. "Thank you."

"For what?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"For helping me out of that situation. Don't feel that it was your fault. I shouldn't have wander around when I know this party is too wild for my size." I said before locking my eyes with him.

"You did nothing wrong. It wasn't your fault." He objected but I shook my head.

"I totally did something wrong. I ignore what eomma told me. I shouldn't have been so careless." I fiddled with my fingers.

"Really? What did she say?" His eyes twinkled with curiosity and I can't help but smile.

"To stay with you."


Another update!

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