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"Do you want to eat something?" Taehyung asked after throwing his bag on the large leather couch.

"I don't feel like eating." I said before rushing up the stairs.

I could hear Taehyung yelled something, but I didn't quite get what he was saying. I got in my room before throwing my bag on the carpeted floor and plopping myself on the soft, plushy bed. Taehyung will think something's wrong, but actually I'm starting to get bored.

I wanna perform.

This is such a random request, but I sure miss performing in front of people. I just feel that adrenaline when eyes are set on me. I love the attention. How they admire every move I make. Every waves, every thrusts, every lunges. I miss it all, like a lot.

I could maybe go out to the park and perform there, but Taehyung's so strict about me going out alone. Ever since I got kidnapped, Taehyung never let me go out without company. I kinda miss the freedom. It's like everything I love doing is discontinued because some kind of mafia is hunting us down, but I don't want that same thing happen again. So, I obeyed Taehyung. He wants to keep me safe and I completely understand.

I look out at the window and decided to take a quick shower. After the relaxing shower, I took a pair of shirt and a short to change in. I wrapped my hair in the towel and finally lay in bed again.

I glance at the door. I wonder why Taehyung didn't come into my room yet. He usually barges in looking worried if I blandly answer him like that. Did something happen?

I unwrapped my hair and throw the towel on my bed before walking to the door. The door creaks open so I peep out. No one was at sight in this large hall. For a moment it looks extremely creepy.

I walked out slowly, trying to not make any sound. As I reach the stairs, I crouch down to see Taehyung on the couch. His hair is covering his eyes, his lips turned into a pout, and his eyebrows furrows as he thinks. Such a cute habit of him. I smiled before quietly walking down the stairs and up to him from behind.

Then I wrapped my arms around his shoulder and quickly peck his cheek. He was still for a moment before turning to me and pulled me to him. Our lips crashed, making me shocked. His lips were soft and it moves slowly against mine. I then move my lips, in sync with his.

I can feel the passion in this kiss. The way he gently cups my face, I can already feel the warmth in my cheeks. I just hope it doesn't radiates on him. I trace all the movements of our lips, I actually feel there is love in it. Do I love him?

It runs through my head over and over. The word love is so strong. I feel like it is something so sacred that we can't play around with that word. Just a mention of that word to the significant other can make that person on cloud nine.

My heart flutters just by thought of Taehyung would say he loves me. I don't even know my feelings for sure. He makes me feel safe, comfortable, even I feel like I can conquer the world.

We seperate from each other, his eyes staring into mine. I really want to look away, but his eyes are so mesmerizing I just want to get lost in it. The moment he lets out a breath, I know. I know that I'm head over heels for this guy in front of me. It hadn't even been a year that I am starting to fall in love with him.

There is no doubt, I'm crazy for him. I want his comfort, his protection, his attention, all of it. I want all of him, but I'm not sure if he feels the same.

The feeling is so beautiful, yet so scary. Loving someone means you give all of you to someone, making that someone to have the ability to crush or save you.

"You okay?" Taehyung's voice got me out of my trance.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I walk around the couch to settle down beside him. My head is on his shoulder as he lay his right arm under my head.

"I thought there's something going on. You never reject food!" He exclaimed making me laugh.

"No, I actually feel like not eating at the moment. Not eating is not all about having an issue, Tae." I pointed my finger up, making it looks like I'm lecturing him.

"It is in my dictionary." He pecked my cheek before ruffling my—still wet—hair.

"You have your own dictionary? Wow, how can I just know that?" I tease him before flinging my arm across his chest.

I actually like cuddling like this. Even though it makes my heart beats so fast, like after running a marathon.

"I never tell you, but seriously Quinn, I don't want you to starve in the middle of the night. PE was a little heavy and I'm sure that stomach of yours is craving food." He pats my tummy making me giggle.

"Okay fine, I'll eat."

"Yes!" I laugh at his childishness.

"Wanna have pizza? I kinda miss eating pizza." Taehyung mumbled, not really asking me before fishing out his phone from his pocket and ordering a pizza.

Just after ordering, the doorbell rung. It was supposed to be around thirty minutes not thirty seconds. Taehyung look at me before standing up to open the door.

My eyes widen in horror to see Jungyoon knocking Taehyung down. In reflex I run to him.

"Taehyung!" I shouted but something hard hit my head causing me to fall on the floor.

A blurry figure walked up to me, mumbling something on my ear before everything went black.

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