It's Okay

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My eyes slowly opened. The first thing I did was checking my surroundings. It was not familiar at all. I was in some kind of cell. I didn't notice anything until a groan was heard. I look to my right and saw Taehyung struggling to sit up straight.

"Taehyung!" I gasped before quickly coming to his side and helping him sit on the cold floor. "You okay?"

My eyes scan over his figure. There was a cut on his right cheek, a small patch of blood on the corner of his lips, and a bruised arm. The sight makes you wanna cry, but I hold back.

"Quinn? Please tell me you're fine." He lowly said while locking eyes with me.

"Look at you, Tae! It's not time to worry about me." The tears then fell down, not being able to be controlled anymore.

"You're head is bleeding. Of course I'm worried." A frown made its way to his face, but before I could reply, a raspy voice cut me off.

"Finally, you're awake." I look out of the bars and saw Jungyoon smirking.

"I thought we killed you." I gritted while holding Taehyung close to me.

"Your boyfriend is nice enough to just hurt me, not eliminate me. Better understand those words, darling." His voice alone made me sick to the stomach. I wish we never met him in the first place.

Then two more guys stood beside him. One of them unlocking the cell. I panicked and hold Taehyung's weak body close. I can't lose him, not today. He couldn't even sit properly without my help. My eyes watch in horror as both of the guys stepped in and roughly pulled Taehyung away from me.

"No!" I cried. "You can't do this! Let him go, take me instead, please!"

I hugged Taehyung with all my might. One of the guys is pulling me from behind to seperate us. Taehyung was trying to hold on to me despite his weak state.

"Please, don't do this. I want him here, please." I plead while the tears kept on flowing, blurring my vision.

Taehyung also shed a tear, seeing me in this state broke his heart. I really hope he isn't blaming himself for this. He has nothing to do with this.

"Quinn, it's okay."

"Taehyung, hold on, they might give up just hold on." I whispered to him, but he isn't even responding.

"This is getting annoying." The guy behind me said before he kicked my stomach hard making me whimper in pain.

"Don't do that to her!" Taehyung shouted before he got pulled away because of my weak grip on him.

"No!" I screamed. "Let him go!"

"Get off me!" He tried holding the man's hand who was dragging him away from me.

I then felt a hard punch to my face. I heard Taehyung screamed, but it was blurred out because I was beaten up in several areas.

"Taehyung!" I screamed before I was harshly thrown to the wall across the cell.

"Shut up before I break your bones." I glared at the guy, blood falling out of my mouth. "Don't look at me like that!"

He then slapped my face resulting me on crying in pain. I was then balled up in the corner of the room, not wanting him to hurt me anymore.

"You better not do anything stupid or your boyfriend gets it." He walked out of the cell, locking me up.

I was then sobbing, crying over what had just happened.

Namjoon's Pov

My phone suddenly rings and I was actually surprised to see Tae's ahjumma calling. I picked it up and I heard sobbing noises from the other side.

"Ahjumma? Are you okay? What happened?" I asked worriedly as I stopped what I was doing.


"What's wrong with him? Tell me, please." I desperately asked her while walking back and forth in my room.

"J-Jungyoon got him a-and Quinn too." My heart drops as she then started crying again.

"Ahjumma? Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" I asked.

"N-No, they didn't find me." I sighed relief.

"How about Quinn's mom? Is she okay?" I bit my lip before taking my jacket from my desk.

"S-She left to run some errands. I will inform her a-after this." I then thanked her before going off to Jin's house where the others were.

I arrived there and instantly shoved the door open. The five of them were there, sitting casually in the living room.

"We got a problem." They all looked back at me. "Jungyoon got Taehyung."

Quinn's Pov


That is all I could see. The cell was dimly lit, but there are other things that made it feel dark. So dark that it could swallow you whole.

I'm so scared that Jungyoon would hurt Taehyung. I'm frustrated because I do not know what are they doing to him. It makes me feel small, not knowing what to do, could not help in this kind of situation. All I ever did was being a burden.

Making people protect me, look after me, never did I help. I was just another responsibility to them. I don't want that. I don't want being a useless piece of crap, I wanna help. I wanna save Taehyung. Even if it cost my life. He is my number one priority.

I crawled to the door of the cell, looking at the lock that was holding the door closed and sealed. I am determined to get out of here, but not now.

I need to fully heal, I can't fight in this state. Let's just sleep, I know what I'll do first thing in the morning.

I'm going to save my boyfriend.

Taehyung's Pov

I was tied to a chair. The room feels so suffocating with all the dried up blood and broken ventilations. I don't get why they had to bring me in this run down place.

"Such a pleasure to have you here V." Someone voiced out, the figure then slowly stood out into the light.


He was standing in front of me, with a knife in his grip. I don't actually wanna know what is he going to do with that knife.

"It's just a matter of time until all your pesky little friends come to this place. It will be much easier to kill you all in one place." He laugh sinisterly.

I glared at him, but only to be punch right on the face by him. I spit out blood after my head got pushed to the side by his impact. I stared at him again, not giving up.

"We have so much power than you." I spit out, the looks on his face showed anger. "Admit it, we're so strong that we became a threat to you. You never had a chance against u—"

"Shut up!" He roared before slicing my arm, enough to ooze out blood. I groaned from the pain and he just laughed louder.

Such a psychopath.

"You will never be stronger! I will always be in power. You have nothing against me. I will ruin BTS even if it's the last thing I'll do."

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