Chapter 1: Wanderlust Girl

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In my first period class at the moment. Daydreaming about getting lost in the woods. Why the woods? I don't know. Well, I do really. Woods seems like the most peaceful place. It's a place where you can be one with nature. I wouldn't mind living there really. As long as it has wifi. Well, I don't technically need the Internet besides for music. Fuck everything else. I would love to get away from my life. Living with a mother who doesn't really care about me. Hating my father for not talking to me in 2 years. Feeling alone all of the time. I rather just go off & be alone physically as well. So to the woods, I will go. I imagine myself in the coolest tree house next to a pond or lake of some sort. That would be amazing. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked & saw Courtney standing by me.

Courtney- The bell rang Rai. It's time to go

Raiyn- Oh!

I grabbed my binder & notebook & put them in my bag. And stood up to go to my next class. I walked through the hallway walking next to Courtney to our class. I still felt awkward. I pick up the pace & hurry into my next class. I hate my seat in this class. I sit right in the middle of the entire classroom. Venerable on each side. I feel like someone could walk up on me & kill me at any minute. 

Courtney was on my left side, so far from me. I hate it. She's like a big sister to me. I'm 2 years younger than her. I'm a gifted child really. I have moved up 2 grades. While in kindergarten the teachers saw I was bored & felt I wasn't challenged enough. So a week later I was moved to second grade. 4 1/2 in second grade. Crazy right? So that's me. I'm an average student though. So I'm not a genius or anything. And I rarely pay attention in class. I just nod & make small smiles like I know what they are talking about. 

Once again, lost in a daydream I look out the classroom into the hallway. And I see a guy looking back at me. My heart jumped. I looked away so fucking fast. Then I looked back. He wasn't there. Weird. That was scary. Then it was time to go to my next class. I was a student helper. I grade papers, tests, & shit. Then I copy papers & run errands for her & all these other things. She gives me free food though. Can't complain. She had me running all over the building today. I had to go give other teachers shit. 

Now at my last stop in the front office. I had to get her a new eraser & cleaner for the dry-erase board. I was waiting for the front desk lady chick AKA secretary to come back when the door slammed open. I turned around & saw the same boy from earlier who was staring at me in the hallway. Only this time he was pissed. You could see the anger in his eyes. He was trembling. Behind him walked in one of the English teachers. Then they walked off into the principal's room. I wonder what happened. The secretary comes back. 

Secretary- Here is the things you needed (hands her the stuff)

Raiyn- (taking it) Thank you

Secretary- So what do you think of that boy?

Raiyn- The one that went into the principal's office?

Secretary- Yeah him

Raiyn- With all honestly, I have never seen him before until today

Secretary- Well I'll tell you this... he's a trouble maker. He is in this office more than I am & I'm the secretary (laughs) This is you guys' senior year. I hope he gets his act together. He may have the grades, but he most certainly doesn't have the behavior nor attitude. Well sorry, bout that. I have like no one normal to talk to 

Raiyn- Oh it's fine. You have a nice day

Secretary- Oh you too sweetie

That was odd. After another class, It was now time for lunch. I refuse to eat school lunch. That cancer food. I just walk around the building outside with Courtney until lunch is over. I usually bum food off of her. Whenever she brings any. She was talking about her date with her boyfriend who she's been with forever. I was half listening. I was too busy occupying my mind. Looking at everyone else with their group of friends. 

Sometimes I wonder why I don't have a group of friends. Courtney is my only friend here. I had many friends freshman year. Or so I thought. Somehow through the years, I was left with only Courtney. She is my true friend. And have been since middle school. Too bad I was completely ignoring her about her date with her boyfriend. 

I wish I had a boyfriend. I had some in the past but none of the relationships lasted more than a month. By the end of that month, I became uninterested & they knew or caught on. So yeah. None of my relationships lasted. And truthfully, I never saw them. It was all over text. No wonder I was bored. I was never in love. I just liked. I want to love someone for as long as Courtney has loved her guy. 

I'm jealous of her. She's so confident. I'm just, meh. She knows like everyone. I know like no one. She's so amazing. And I'm just, eh. If I could switch lives with her I would in a heartbeat. But that is impossible. 

We circle around the building for the second time & I look off onto the field & see the same guy from earlier. He was sitting under a tree doing something in his notebook. He doesn't look angry this time. He looks sort of peaceful. I was so captivated by his bipolar-ness that I tipped over this large stick that came out of nowhere & laded flat on my face in a mud puddle. Just fucking great. 

I looked up & saw everyone that was outside looking at me, then soon after busting out in laughter. Someone kill me now, please. Courtney helps me up. I just want to leave this school. Earth preferably. Now I'm gonna be known as "That Girl Who Fell Into That Mud Puddle". Great. Just great. 

I wanted to go home. But my mom is home today & she would trip if I came home this early. So I asked/ begged Courtney to take me to her house until school lets out. Her parents are off on a second honeymoon. She gave me a pair of sweats & a shirt to wear. I took a shower & washed my hair. I walked out her bathroom into her bedroom drying my hair. 

Courtney- Is that your natural hair?

Referring to my spiral curls.

Raiyn- Yeah. 

Courtney- You should keep your hair like that. It looks good on you.

Raiyn- I don't really like them.

Courtney- Why not? They make you even more gorgeous. 

Raiyn- You're just trying to feed my dead ego.

Courtney- No. You are really pretty you should feel better about yourself. Maybe you should get you a boyfriend.

Raiyn- Here you go trying to hook me up with someone!

Courtney- No, I just think a guy in your life will make you feel better. I'll pick this time because your choices only left you to be alone again.

Raiyn- I don't need you to be "Matchmaker Courtney" for me. I can pick my own guys.

Courtney- Alright. Suit yourself. I will just have to tell Hodgy that his friend will have to be the third wheel when we go to the movies this weekend...

Raiyn- Oh Court don't do that. You only say that so I can feel bad.

Courtney- It's true though. So are you gonna go to the movies this weekend or?

Raiyn- I guess I don't have much of a choice do I?

Courtney- Nope. Wear something cute. 

Raiyn- I'm not wearing a dress or skirt.

Courtney- You don't have to. Just wear something cute is all I'm saying. 

Raiyn- Whatever you say Court. Whatever you say.

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