Chapter 4: Arcade

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I just got home from a long day of school & work. I make me a sandwich, then head into the shower. Once I got out I herd my phone going off. 

Tyler- (answering the phone) Hello?

?- Sup niggy? What you doing?

Tyler- Bout to go to sleep. Why? What you want?

Hodgy- Courtney & I are going to the arcade tonight.

Tyler- And what does that have to do with me?

Hodgy- Her friend is coming to..

Tyler- The shy chick?

Hodgy- Duh..

Tyler- I'm not going sorry.

Hodgy- (smacks his lips) Why not?

Tyler- I don't like shy girls.

Hodgy- Well break her out her shell.

Tyler- I've tried man. It didn't work. I'm staying home tonight.

Hodgy- I'll pay you $50 if you come tonight. Deal?

Tyler- I make my own money I don't need yours.

Hodgy- (groans) Whatever man. You know you want to go quit fronting! But whatever. You're still welcomed to come.

I hung up on him. Why do they keep trying to throw she & I together. We aren't a good mix.


Courtney dragged me out of my house into her car. She didn't tell me where we were going or anything. By this feeling, I'm getting in the way she is acting she's trying to set me up with someone.

Courtney- I can't believe you didn't even give Tyler a chance.

Raiyn- I don't know him!

Courtney- You don't know anybody!

Raiyn- And your point is?

Courtney- You need to have fun. Meeting new people is what's fun. Don't you want to have fun Rai?

Raiyn- Yeah...

Courtney- I'm trying to break you out of that shell of yours. You are really fun once you break past this shyness. Let someone other than me witness that for once. And stop straightening your hair!

Raiyn- Okay mother!

Courtney- You look so pretty with your curls. I wish you would stop messing them up. When we get to my house we are getting those curls back & getting rid of those disgusting sweats you have on.

I slid down my seat. I don't want to do this. As much as I like to go have fun. This isn't my idea of having fun. Once we got to her house, she dragged me to her room & washed & deep conditioned my hair. Against my will, I should add. She changed me into this long black summer dress & gold sandals. She let me wear the rings that I always have on. And she put a gold necklace & matching earrings on me then forced me in front of the mirror.

Courtney- (Smiling) So what you think?

Raiyn- I don't even look like myself.

Courtney- Mission complete. You're getting numbers tonight. I don't care if you like it or not. I'm going to get myself ready. Put some lip gloss on or some Chapstick. You might cut someone with those lips.

She walked out & I rolled my eyes. I looked in the mirror again. Where is Raiyn? This isn't me. Who do I have to impress being dressed like this? Courtney finished getting ready & then we were off. How come she gets to wear jeans but I can't? So unfair. I crossed my arms & pouted the whole way to Hodgy's house. 

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