Chapter 31: No More

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I'm out at lunch with Courtney. It's been a while. Little Trenton is here with us too. We were laughing & everything. Enjoying ourselves. 

Courtney- So you're getting married soon?

Raiyn- Yeah, I am.

Courtney- That's crazy. It was just the other day when we were in middle school.

Raiyn- (laughs) I know!

Courtney- Have you told Tyler?

Raiyn- No. But I think he may know by now.

Courtney- I'm surprised he hasn't said anything to you.

I shrugged & sipped some of my water. I looked at Trenton & he was smiling at me. He's so cute. 

Courtney- You want to babysit for me?

Raiyn- When?

Courtney- Tomorrow. Hodgy, Left, Sarah, & I are going out.

Raiyn- Oh okay. But yeah I can.

Courtney- You hear that Trenty? You're gonna have fun with Auntie Rai while mommy & daddy go have fun. Do you like that?

She started tickling him & he started laughing. He's so cute. 

Courtney- So have you guys gotten a wedding planner?

Raiyn- No. He wants to go to Vegas.

Courtney- Oh, that kind. Do you want to?

Raiyn- I would like a regular wedding but I guess not.

Courtney- I hope you guys figure something out.

Later that day, I went to Jermaine's dorm so we can figure out what to do for this wedding.

Jermaine- But I want to go to Vegas.

Raiyn- And I want to do a traditional wedding. We don't have to buy dresses & suits or stuff like that. I just want to do it in a nice place. 

Jermaine- You don't want to get married in a church?

Raiyn- No. Like a beach or something.

Jermaine- I don't know about that Raiyn.

Raiyn- Then what are we gonna do?

Jermaine- I don't know since we can agree on anything.

Raiyn- Maybe we shouldn't get married.

Jermaine- Are you serious?

Raiyn- If we can't agree on things now what makes you think we can later?

Jermaine- Whatever Raiyn.

Raiyn- Do you honestly believe we will last for a long time?

Jermaine- Yeah. Do you?

Raiyn- No.

Jermaine- Then why did you say yes to my proposal?

Raiyn- I felt pressured.

Jermaine- I told you I would give you time.

Raiyn- But you kept asking me & asking me. I felt like I had to say yes so you could back off.

Jermaine- So you don't want to marry me?

Raiyn- I don't know what I want.

Jermaine- Well then. The wedding is off.

Raiyn- Fine.

Jermaine- Fine!

He got mad & ran off to his bathroom & slammed the door shut. I walked back to my dorm feeling relieved.  

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