Chapter 27: No Good

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Courtney dropped me off at home. Jasmine was off with Jasper surprisingly. I ran up the stairs to my bedroom & opened the door to see Jermaine about to kick Jaden.

Raiyn- Jermaine!

I caught him before his foot touched Jaden. He stood there frozen trying to think of what to say.

Raiyn- What are you doing?

Jermaine- Nothing sweetheart.

Raiyn- Looks like you were trying to kick my cat.

I went over to her & picked her up & started to comfort her. She had to be terrified. 

Jermaine- That stupid cat scratched me again & tore apart my favorite beater.

Raiyn- First of all, she's not stupid. Second, maybe you shouldn't leave your clothes out to where she can get to them.

Jermaine- Really Raiyn? Really? Maybe you should teach that cat not to go into other peoples things.

Raiyn- Whatever Jermaine.

Jermaine- By the way, where were you today?

Raiyn- Out. Why?

Jermaine- Because I want to know. With who?

Raiyn- Who do you think?

Jermaine- That Tyler guy?

Raiyn- Duh.

Jermaine- Why do you still hang with him?

Raiyn- Because he's my friend.

Jermaine- Yeah that you used to bang!

Raiyn- So? And you don't have to worry about it anymore.

Jermaine- Why is that?

Raiyn- He's mad at me?

Jermaine- Why?

Raiyn- Because of you.

Jermaine- Me? What did I do to him?

Raiyn- He's just mad.

Jermaine- Just jealous because you moved on.

Raiyn- I know.

Jermaine- So he should too.

Raiyn- Well it's hard for him.

Jermaine- It shouldn't be that damn hard unless you gave him some again. Did you?

I got quiet & continued to comfort Jaden. I knew things were gonna get bad. I didn't know what else to say really.

Jermaine- Please don't tell me you gave that nigga some ass...

I didn't say anything.

Jermaine- You did didn't you? 

I looked at him & nodded & he lost his mind.


I'm grocery shopping with my grandmother. She went off to the food section while I went to the electronics section to look for some CDs. I heard a baby crying in the next aisle & its mother sounded frustrated. I just continued to look for some CD's I might want. I made it over to the aisle with the crying baby. Its mother looked familiar but I don't want to just walk up on her. That's weird. She looked away & the baby grabbed something from off the shelf. I looked at her & she was very pregnant. The baby dropped a movie on the floor & she turned back mad as hell.

Woman- Really Justin? Really? What did mommy say about touching things? Gosh.

She bent over to pick it up but her belly was in the way. So I went over & picked it up for her.

Woman- Thanks.

Tyler- You're welcome.

I put it on the shelf & looked at her.

Tyler- Sarah?

Woman- Yeah that's me. How do you know?

Tyler- It's me Tyler...

Sarah- Oh, your the guy who had that crush on me.

Tyler- Yeah that was me...


Sarah- It's good to see you.

Tyler- Yeah same. Where's Jeremy?

Sarah- In rehab.

Tyler- Rehab?

Sarah- He has a real bad drug problem.

Tyler- Oh I'm sorry...

Sarah- It's okay. I have these two to take care of now.

Tyler- They're his?

Sarah- Sadly. But I can't complain. I got my son & daughter I always wanted.

Tyler- That's good. When are you due?

Sarah- A few more weeks here.

Tyler- Yeah you look like your gonna explode (laughs)

Sarah- (laughs) Yeah I know. Hows Courtney?

Tyler- She's good. Taking care of little Trenton. I'm surprised you haven't spoken to her.

Sarah- She's mad at me. She's been trying to tell me Jeremy was no good but I wouldn't listen. But I found out though. What about Raiyn? Where's she?

Tyler- She's in town but she leaves tomorrow morning.

Sarah- She's in college?

Tyler- Yeah.

Sarah- That's good. You guys still together?

Tyler- No. She has a new dude...

Sarah- Oh I'm sorry.

Tyler- It's okay.

Sarah- You deserve better anyway.

Tyler- Like who?

Sarah- Me.

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