Chapter 30: R. Kelly?

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She put me in the hallway closet. She should have put me in the baby's room so I could sneak out the window & land on the stairs outside but whatever. I looked out the slots & saw Jeremy walk in the house. He was still tall as fuck. Probably taller. He was huge though. Like that dude had major muscles. He would snap me in half with his pinky finger if he wanted to.

They were talking & loving all up on each other. I think she forgot I was still here. They're about to do the nasty & I'm still in this closet. It's like a live set porno. But that's kinda gross because she's super pregnant. And when I hit that I thought I was touching the baby. Gross? I know man. Haven't smashed that since.

My back was starting to hurt bending over like this in this closet. I can't stand straight or I will hit my head on the shelf. Or strain my neck. So I decided to squat. Kinda weird but no one can see me. I stepped my foot out so I could squat a little more comfortable & I heard this high pitched noise. It scared the fuck outta me. I stood up straight & hit my head on the shelf. Fuck. I looked down & saw I stepped on one of Justin's toys. Damn that kid. 

Jeremy- What was that?

Sarah- Nothing.

He looked at her crazy & went looking back around. My head started pounding. Shit. I felt something going down the back of my head. I took off my hat & felt my head. I looked at my hand & saw blood. Great. I have a gash now. I looked at the shelf & there was a blood smear from where my head touched it. Even greater. Evidence. 

Jeremy- Do you have someone up in here with my kids?

Sarah- No I don't.

I looked back out & she looked terrified. I felt my phone start to vibrate. Dammit. I got it out of my pocket & hit ignore. I couldn't get it back in my pocket to save my life though. I fumbled around with it & it fell & hit the closet door loud as hell. I just blew my cover all the way. 

Jeremy- Who's in here?!

He started looking around. I got my phone & put it in my pocket. He's gonna kill me so I should go out fighting for my life. He walked around the house. And he walked back into the living room then looked at the closet I was in. My heart started pounding. Oh gosh. He looked back at her & she looked away. Dammit. He stepped closer to the closet. Man if I was R. Kelly I would have a gun on me. But I'm not & I don't. Shit. He balled up his fist & I did the same. He put his hand on the knob & I got ready to fight. I heard the closet doors creak open. He lifted his fist ready to punch me. I prepared myself. He jerked the door open & got ready to hit me. But then he stopped.

Jeremy- Tyler?

Tyler- Yeah. It's me.

Jeremy- Fuck you doing in my closet & shit?

Tyler- I was playing hide-n-seek with Justin.

Jeremy- Oh.

He stepped back. Smooth? I know. Thanks. Haha. He was looking at me all suspicious & shit. Which he should because some random nigga is in his hallway closet but you know... 

Jeremy- Why is he even in our house in the first place Sarah? How does he know about Justin? Huh?

Oh damn. He went back over to Sarah & I was getting closer to the door, ready to make a break for it. He was screaming & yelling at her & she started crying not knowing what to do. Just when I was by the door, the door slammed opened crashing into me & knocking me on the ground.

Guy- Is this the nigga?

Jeremy- That's him.

Next thing I know I was getting jumped. What the fuck? 

Jeremy- You stupid fuck. I had cameras put up in my house. Do you think you can smash my girl & get away with it? Ha! I think not!

Then he started hitting me too. Sarah was screaming telling them to stop hitting me. But they continued to kick & punch me. Justin started crying in the other room.

Jeremy- Let's get this nigga out my house!

My body was tired from fighting back. The last thing I saw was the flight of stairs leading to the parking lot. 

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