Chapter 18: The Nasty

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I ran to my front door. It was closed.

Tyler- Nigga you shut the door on her?

Domo- (following behind) Yeah man. I didn't know if you know her or not. I thought she was just some crackhead.

I opened the door Raiyn was standing there crying. I hugged her.

Tyler- They did it again?

I felt her nod her head. I'm getting sick of this man. I walked her into my house & sat her on the couch.

Tyler- Tell me what happened.

Raiyn- I came home to Reggie being drunk.

Tyler- Your mom's boyfriend?

Raiyn- Yeah.

Domo- Wait your mom is dating Reggie Bush?! That's what's up dawg! 

Tyler- Domo...

Domo- Like you practically famous & don't even know it, man. I wish my moms was dating Reggie Bush. Do you know how tight my shoe game would be?

Tyler- Domo!

Domo- Like all the bitches will be on a nigga. Well, they already are, I mean look at me. I'm sexy as fuck man.

Tyler- (yells) DOMO!

Domo- Sup nigga?

Tyler- Go into the kitchen, please.

Domo- (gets up) Alright. I'm sorry. I could use some more juice anyway (walking into the kitchen) I can't believe I know somebody that knows somebody that knows Reggie Bush. I can't wait to put this shit on Myspace!

Tyler- So you were saying?

Raiyn- I came home to Reggie drunk as fuck. He started yelling at me & throwing stuff at me then he started beating me again.

Tyler- So he's the one that's been hitting on you?

Raiyn- Yeah...

Tyler- I'm so sorry man. I'm glad you came to me. Let me see.

She lifted up her shirt & her skin was already turning purple. Damn. I touched one & she flinched.

Tyler- I'm sorry.

Raiyn- It's okay.

I looked at her again. There were bruises up & down her arms too. I picked up one of her arms & kissed one of the bruises

Tyler- Better?

Raiyn- Yeah.

I did the same on the next one & the one after that & the one after that & the one after that. All the way up her arm. Then we started making out again. Something told me to look towards the kitchen so I did. Domo was looking at me with the most creepy face ever. 

Tyler- (pulling back from Raiyn) Yo Doms you gotta go. No harsh feelings but you gotta go.

Domo- (walking out the kitchen) Mhmm. I see you playa!

I walked Domo out of the house.

Domo- Yo you got some condoms right?

Tyler- I think so...

Domo- You think so? What the fuck you mean you think so?

Domo went into his pocket & pulled out his wallet & went through it.

Domo- Here take one (hands Tyler a condom) We are not bout to have any baby mommas, my nigga.

Tyler- Yeah good look.

Domo- Tear that shit up. Or I just might.

He ran off before I could hit him.

Domo- See ya later Tydollaz!

Tyler- Bye!

I laughed & put the condom in my pocket. I walked back into the house & looked at Raiyn. She was looking down twisting the rings on her fingers.

Tyler- Wanna go up to my room?

Raiyn- (turns her head & looks at him) Sure.

I grabbed her hand & lead her up to my room. I pushed my dirty clothes over to the closet area & shut my door just in case my grandma came home sooner than expected. I put in one of my CDs. She sat on one side of my bean bag & I sat on the other. I looked at her again & she was looking around my room. Then she looked at me. And everything after that got really gay. But it was so awesome. Let me explain. When she looked at me "In Search Of..." started playing. We started kissing again & feeling all over each other. Got butt ass naked. Mhmm. Yep. Whatever you're thinking right now, you're right. 

I used that condom Domo gave me. It was really great, really. I'm glad it happened. After we were finished we took a shower together & I let her wear one of my hoodies so my grandma wouldn't see any of her bruises. Unfortunately, she did have to go back home so her mom wouldn't worry. My grandma was nice enough to drive her home. I told her to call me later. My grandma was looking at me a certain way. You know that look when they suspect something is going on between you and a person. But she was right of course. That day was one of the greatest days ever. I will never forget the day I took Raiyn's virginity. 

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