Chapter 20: Air Hockey

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Tyler- Yo Raiyn?

Raiyn- Yeah?

Tyler- Can I speak to you for a second... alone?

Raiyn- Um sure...

I got up & followed behind Tyler. He leads me over to the air hockey table & put a few tokens in.

Tyler- One game is all I ask.

The game started up & we began to play.

Tyler- How have you been?

Raiyn- Good. You?

Tyler- I'm good. Better now that you're back.

Raiyn- I'm only going to be here for a week then I have to go.

Tyler- A week is all I need.

Raiyn- For what?

Tyler- To spend with you.

I didn't even block my slot. One point for him.

Raiyn- I thought we agreed to see other people when I left.

Tyler- I've tried to.

Raiyn- Well try harder.

One point for me.

Tyler- It's not that simple.

Raiyn- You weren't even interested in me at first.

Tyler- Because I was with Milan. But then I wasn't anymore. It's not like you were into me either

Raiyn- Because I didn't know you.

Tyler- But you eventually did.

Raiyn- And so did you.

Two points for me.

Tyler- Okay, okay. So you weren't the only one.

Raiyn- My point exactly. What have you been up to since I've been gone Mr. Famous?

Tyler- (chuckles) Just because I have a video on TV doesn't make me famous. And I've been getting my album finished & touring. Interviews. All that.

Raiyn- Exactly. Famous.

Tyler- You know Earl is gone.

Two points for him.

Raiyn- Yeah. I know. Why?

Tyler- His mom wanted to keep him out of trouble. Doesn't like me, even though I'm helping him feed himself.

Three points for me.

Raiyn- It's not your fault you know.

Tyler- I know. But still. And that guy you're with. He's no good for you.

Three points for him.

Raiyn- How so?

Tyler- I just know.

Raiyn- What that you're jealous because I'm not with you?

Four points for me.

Tyler- (scoffs) Ain't nobody jealous of that nigga.

Raiyn- Sure looks like it to me.

Tyler- Why would I be jealous of a guy who got my sloppy seconds?

Four points for him.

Raiyn- So that's how it is?

Tyler- Sorta...

Raiyn- You're just mad because I moved on & you can't find it in yourself too.

Five points for me. Game over.

Tyler- It's all good. I can admit it. But one day. Just one day you'll see you messed up big time

Raiyn- You messed up when you gave me permission to date other people. You'll just have to get over it. Goodbye Tyler.

I told Jasmine & Jermaine I was ready to go. We left & went back to my house. I can not believe Tyler. What happened to him?

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