Chapter 25: First Love

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I finished my ice cream. Cone & all. I'm ready for what she has to tell me. But not really. I'm nervous as hell.

Tyler- Speak.

Raiyn- Well. You're gonna be very upset. But I wanted to tell you anyway because I feel like you need to know.

Tyler- What?

Raiyn- (clears her throat) Jermaine. He asked me a question.

Tyler- A question?

Raiyn- Yeah.

Tyler- What kind of question?

Raiyn- He asked me to marry him.

I felt my heart drop into my stomach. My face got hot. My hands balled up into fists. I felt my body vibrating in rage. How dare that nigga ask her something like that. She's not even in her twenties yet & this nigga is asking her to spend the rest of her life with him. The fuck? 

Raiyn- Tyler calm down.

Tyler- (stern) What did you say?

Raiyn- He said I didn't have to answer it. He gave me time to think.

Tyler- And what are you thinking?

Raiyn- That I'm young as fuck & I don't need to be tied to a man for the rest of my life yet. But then again I do like him. But it's not love though.

Tyler- What about Earl & Spencer?

Raiyn- What about them?

Tyler- They would never see you again. You should know by know that Jermaine doesn't like your original friends.

Raiyn- I know.

Tyler- And you're willing to give that up?

Raiyn- I don't know.

Tyler- Well shit, what about me dammit?! Do you even care for me anymore?

Raiyn- Of course, I do or I wouldn't have told you.

Tyler- You can't marry him Raiyn. It's not how it was supposed to be!

Raiyn- Then how was it written?

Tyler- For you & I.

Raiyn- But that changed when you said you wanted us to see other people.

Tyler- Fuck what I said! I was wrong okay. But you can't Raiyn. You just can't.

Raiyn- What if I do?

Tyler- I would be angry. And you would go against what you said.

Raiyn- What did I say?

Tyler- You said that you wanted to marry your first love if the relationship lasts for a long time. Who am I to you?

Raiyn- You're my first love.

Tyler- Exactly! You wrote this yourself. You made it out to be you & I. And you want to go & possibly rip this shit apart?!

Raiyn- But if I do end up marrying someone else I want you to be happy for me like I would for you.

Tyler- You could never marry someone else.

Raiyn- I could.

Tyler- Then what am I supposed to do?

Raiyn- Be happy for me. That's all I want & for you to move on with your life.

Tyler- But I love you Raiyn.

Raiyn- I love you too but you have to face it. We may never reach that level.

I was angry as hell. I got up & skated away. I didn't want to hear anymore. I went home. My grandmother wasn't there. Left me a note saying she went to the store. Figured because she would have made me re-walk into the house from slamming the door on the way in. I stomped up the steps & to my room. I slammed my door shut & lost my mind. After my fit of rage. I sat on my bean bag with my head in my hands. I wiped my face then looked around. I noticed a picture frame laying on the floor. I went & picked it up. It was a picture of Spencer, Earl, Raiyn, & I. It was the night we stayed at Spencer's & had so much fun. We were all smiling in the picture. Arms wrapped around each other. We were that crew. We had so much fun together. That night was amazing. We ate a bunch of junk food, drank everything in her fridge, had a silly string fight, just everything. It was also the night Raiyn said she loved me for the first time. I looked at her in the picture. The glass was cracked right on her smiling face. 

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