Chapter 19: Later

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Fast forward a year and some months. I released my album. I've been getting noticed. Hodgy, Raiyn, Courtney, & I all graduated. Courtney had the baby. They have a little son now. Trenton. Raiyn & I are still good friends. She went off to college. UCLA. She got a full ride. We don't see each other much because she lives on campus. Well, we don't see each other. At all. Well me? I dropped out of community college. Shit ain't for me. Fuck the system. My mom still believes I'm going. Hell, my whole family does. But I'm not. I'm doing shows & finishing my next album. Things aren't the same. Earl is gone. It's been some months now. Spencer & I are miserable without em. His mom sent him away to go to some stupid school. Just as I put that nigga on the map he was gone. No Raiyn. No Earl. Domo left for a while too. I guess I'm okay as long as I got my other niggas. Taco & I were as Jasper's. I was in the kitchen making me a sandwich when I heard Taco & Jasper going nuts in the living room.

Tyler- (walking into the living room) What is wrong with y'all?

They pointed to the TV & I saw my video for "Yonkers" on MTV.


I was in my dorm with my dorm mate getting ready to go back home. Tomorrow is the big day. I finally can go back home. My roommate is awesome. Her name is Jasmine. She's older than me of course. I'm like the youngest one on campus. She's a very pretty girl. Very outgoing. I love her. But not like that haha. I went to the bathroom & did my hygiene routine & even wet my hair. Yeah, I've been wearing it that way since that night I had with Tyler. I walked out of the bathroom & saw Jasmine going crazy in our bedroom. She was vibing to the song on MTV. It sounded a little creepy. But the voice sounded too familiar.

Raiyn- Who is that?

Jasmine- It's this rapper guy. His name is Tyler, the Creator.

Raiyn- Tyler, the Creator?

Jasmine- Yeah his music is tight.

I looked at the screen & saw Tyler. My heart dropped. He did say he made music. But I never heard it. There was a knock on our door & Jasmine got it. In walked in Jermaine. Jermaine is my boo thing. In other words, a guy I've been talking to. Going out for little dates & stuff. He's very sweet. He's 6'3,  has long hair, strong facial features. Looking like a male model. He has a copper skin tone. Nice lean body. Just beautiful. He turns heads all the time when we are walking around campus. I'm proud to say he's almost mine. 

Jermaine- Sup ladies?

Jasmine- Packing Raiyn up so she can go home tomorrow.

Jermaine- Oh yeah you are leaving me tomorrow (pouts) 

Raiyn- Aw it's okay. It's only for spring break & I'm coming back in a week.

Jermaine- That's too long man. I need to see your pretty face every day.

Raiyn- Then come with me.

Jermaine- Really? 

Raiyn- Yeah. I could use a travel buddy.

Jasmine- Well what about me?

Raiyn- You can come too. The more the merrier.

Jasmine- Sounds like a plan!

The next day I was all packed up to go home. I'm a little nervous. But as long as I got Jasmine & Jermaine I know I'll be fine. We took a bus back to my home. I wonder if Mr. Famous is here. I haven't seen or spoken to Tyler in a long time. I wonder if he even thinks about me. Knowing him he might have a girlfriend by now. There's no way he stayed single. I can't wait to see Jasper, Spencer, & Earl. I miss them. We had the best times together. I finally made it to my house.

Jermaine- Damn this is your house? It's nice as fuck.

Jasmine- Right. I wish my house was like this.

Raiyn- Well it will be for a week.

I walked up to the door & unlocked it. I let Jas & Jermaine in first then me.

Raiyn- Mom! Mom I'm home!

I looked around & I saw her peak her head out from the kitchen. She ran over to me nearly knocking me on the floor.

RM- I missed you so much.

She was squeezing all the life outta me.

Raiyn- I know & I currently can't breathe.

RM- (pulling back) Sorry so introduce me to your friends.

Raiyn- This is Jermaine & Jasmine. Guys this is my mom.

Jasmine- Hey.

Jermaine- Nice to meet you, ma'am.

RM- Same here. Aren't you a cutie!

Jermaine was smiling ear to ear. He loves that.

Raiyn- Well we are gonna head out. I want to see my old friends.

RM- Alright. Be back by 8 for dinner.

We left out. I know Tyler & the guys practically lived at the arcade. So that's where we are going. Jermaine paid for us & we went in. I looked around & saw Spencer.

Raiyn- Spencer!

She looked around & saw me. Her eyes almost popped out her head. She ran over to me.

Spencer- Raiyn I missed you so much!

She started hugging me extra tight.

Raiyn- I missed you too. Where are the guys?

Spencer- Playing the racing game. Come on so they can see you! We all missed you!

We walked over to where the cars were. Jasper, Hodgy, Taco, Tyler, Juan, & Domo were all playing. Spencer waited til the game was over to tell them. I sat over at the tables with Jasmine & Jermaine.

Spencer- Yo guys you have to see something right now!

Tyler- What's wrong nigga?

Spencer- Just come over here!

They walked over to me. Jasper had a heart attack when he saw me.

Jasper- Raiyn daddy!

He started hugging me & pretending like he was crying.

Jasper- I missed you so much!

Raiyn- Me too!

Hodgy- Yo what's up niggy? You look great!

Raiyn- Thanks.

Taco- Wow big head is back in town.

Raiyn- Shut up!

Domo- Sup girl? It's been forever.

Raiyn- I know.

Juan- It's about time you came back. Tyler was going nuts without you.

Tyler smacked him on the back of his head.

Tyler- Shut up! But hey Raiyn.

Raiyn- Hi. Where's Earl?

Jasper- He's gone.

Raiyn- What do you mean?

Spencer- His mom sent him away...

Raiyn- Damn. I was really looking forward to seeing him.

Domo- Introduce us to your friends.

Raiyn- This is Jermaine & Jasmine.

Jasper- Hey Jasmine.

He smiled at her. Somebody crushing.

Tyler- Yo Raiyn?

Raiyn- Yeah?

Tyler- Can I speak to you for a second... alone?

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