Chapter 10: Lost One

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I dropped my a few songs off my album today. I'm having one of those listening parties. Just with my niggas. I would never let my family hear this. Earl was here. I was happy to see him knowing his mom has been trying to keep him from us. I saw Hodgy but no Courtney or Raiyn. I went up to him to find out where they were.

Tyler- Yo Hodg?

Hodgy- Sup man? Album sounding real nice so far man.

Tyler- Thanks. Where's Courtney & Raiyn?

Hodgy- Courtney is at her place. She needs to rest. As for Raiyn, I have no idea.

Tyler- What Courtney need to rest for? You making her sound old.

Hodgy- She having my kid man.

Tyler- What?! That's awesome dude.

Hodgy- I know man. I hope we make it. I'm gonna need as much money as I can possibly get.

Tyler- Right. I wish they could have come.

Hodgy- So you can talk to her friend or something? I thought you weren't into her.

Tyler- I'm not...

Hodgy- (looks him up & down) Mhm. Aren't you with Milan anyway?

Tyler- Duh.

Hodgy- Then that's all you need to worry about & this music. Leave Raiyn alone. You might start an unnecessary cat fight.

Tyler- (laughs) Whatever man.


Once again I find myself at Courtney's. I really need to talk to her. I'm tired of her not being around when I need her. I'm always there for her. Why can't she do the same for me? I walked up to her porch & knocked on her door. She answered. She had her blanket wrapped around her & she looked like she just woke up.

Courtney- Hey Rai.

Raiyn- Hi. We need to talk.

She looked shocked at my sternness. But I was serious. I'm ready to get this off my chest. 

Courtney- Well come in.

I went in & we went up to her room. She sat on her bed & I sat at her desk.

Courtney- So what do you want to talk about?

Raiyn- You.

Courtney- What about me?

Raiyn- Your selfishness.

Courtney- How the hell am I selfish? After all the shit I do for you.

Raiyn- Yeah, like leaving me to walk home alone after homecoming.

Courtney- Wait, is this why you came over?

Raiyn- Duh. How could you just leave me like that?

Courtney- We were just playing a joke on you.

Raiyn- Well it wasn't funny! I looked stupid looking for you guys!

Courtney- Calm down.

Raiyn- Calm down? Calm down?! Like hell, I will! Do you know what it's like to be left alone by yourself? Do you even know what it's like to have no friends? Do you? No, you don't. You have everything handed to you. Everyone loves Courtney. Courtney gets whatever she wants. Courtney has all the friends. Courtney, Courtney, Courtney.

Courtney- Sounds like you're jealous of me...

Raiyn- Because I am. You have everything I want. I look up to you. You're my older sister I never had. You are all I have in this sad life of mine. I'm always there for you. But you're rarely there for me. I need you to help me with things Courtney. But I never complain when you aren't around (tears up) I just deal with it & hope you'll be there when I need you them most (starts crying) Homecoming night is when I needed you the most & you weren't there! I was left to deal with it. Alone & hurt. 

Courtney- I'm sorry Raiyn. I'm truly sorry.

Raiyn- Yeah you better be. I had this cooked up in me for so long.

Courtney- Why couldn't you tell me?

Raiyn- Because unlike you, I care for you. I didn't want to hurt your feelings.

Courtney- I care for you what are you talking about? (laughs)

Raiyn- You know what? I'm over it. I'm over you & this stupid friendship. Turns out the only friend I had wasn't my true friend. Because a real friend wouldn't laugh at me when I'm pouring my heart out to them.

Courtney- Fine! Bring me all my shit back!

She got up & went to her closet & started throwing clothes at me.

Courtney- Here! Take all your stupid clothes & jewelry. It not my style anyway.

She threw more stuff at me & I picked it up.

Courtney- I want my stuff back by tomorrow night or I'm calling the police. Now get out of my house!

Raiyn- (standing up) Gladly.

I walked out with all my stuff & walked back home. It started pouring down rain outside. I started crying. I'm officially alone in this world. I kept dropping clothes on the ground. I was getting frustrated. I eventually tripped stepping on one of my jeans I let her borrow. I fell flat on my face. I tried to get back up, but I stepped on it again & fell back on my face. I buried my face in my wet clothes & cried. So this is what it's like to lose your best friend huh? After a good five minutes, I got myself together & stood up & continued to walk home. 

I made it home & no one was there. I went into my room & dumped the stuff on my bed. Jaden was sleeping on one of my pillows. I didn't want to disrupt her sleeping so I went into my closet & got all of Courtney's clothes & bags she left me borrow & have. I found a box & put them in there. I folded all of the clothes nice & neat. Why am I still being nice to her? Was I the one being selfish instead? I went & put my clothes I got back from her in the washer. I went back up to my room & turned on my laptop. Music would be perfect right now. I opened iTunes & went to my "bad day playlist". A little Mumford & Sons, some Coldplay, some Eminem, Chris Brown, Gnarles Barkley, Kanye, The Game, Lupe Fiasco, and lastly Fall Out Boy. Eventually, I wasn't as sad anymore. I'm not looking forward to being alone for the rest of the school year. Lunchtime library trips here I come. 

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