Chapter 26: Friends Again

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Tyler left me at the ice cream place. I knew he was gonna be mad I was just hoping he would be a little more understanding. I'm pretty sure if he ran off & I got married he would want me to be happy for him, so why can't he do the same for me? I got up & started to make my way home. I soon realized I turned down the wrong street. The houses looked familiar but I couldn't remember why they looked familiar. I saw a girl around my age pushing a baby stroller down the opposite side I was on. She looked a lot like Courtney. Then it hit me. This is Courtney's street. Her house is a few houses down from where we are. I haven't talked to her in forever. I know we aren't friends anymore but I want to at least see the baby. I ran over to her side of the street & began calling her name.

Raiyn- Courtney! Courtney!

She turned around & looked at me. 

Courtney- Raiyn?

I finally caught up to her.

Raiyn- Yeah it's me.

Courtney- Wow. It's been so long. Hodgy told me you were in town for a few days. So what's up?

Raiyn- Nothing really. I was walking home & realized I was on your street & then I saw you. I figured I should come over & talk to you.

Courtney- Oh that's nice. I was just taking the baby for a walk.

She stepped back & let me look into the stroller. I saw a cute sleeping baby boy. He looks like Courtney more than Hodgy.

Raiyn- What did you name him?

Courtney- Trenton.

Raiyn- That's cute.

Courtney- Thanks. Would you like to come over for a little so we can catch up?

Raiyn- Yeah sure.

We walked to her house. I helped her with the baby bag as she got Trenton out the stroller. He was so cute & little. Once again, her parents weren't home. Her parents were never home. 

Courtney- Can you hold him for me while I go make him a bottle.

Raiyn- Sure.

She laid him in my arms. He was so light. I was afraid I would smash him. He started moving around & moving his arms. He yawned then opened his eyes & looked at me. I smiled at him. Obviously, he didn't recognize me & began crying. I didn't know what to do. I tried rocking him before his cries got louder. That didn't work so I bounced him a little. Still didn't work. I couldn't find his pacifier & I didn't want to put my finger in his mouth because that's just nasty. I was hoping he would quit but he kept crying & louder. Courtney came running out of the kitchen.

Courtney- I'm coming boo boo. Mommy's here.

She took him from me & began feeding him. And he stopped crying immediately. I laughed to myself. How would I make it when I become a parent? I sure as hell didn't know what to do then. I was gonna start crying with him. He downed the hell outta that bottle. She started burping him. He was making the cutest yet funniest facial expressions while trying to burp. When he did finally he sounded like a man. It was hilarious. yet so freaking cute. Everything about babies is cute. She started getting him to go back to sleep & broke the silence. 

Courtney- So hows the college life?

Raiyn- It's okay. Nothing special.

Courtney- You're there for art?

Raiyn- You know me (chuckles)

Courtney- (chuckles) Yeah I do. Have you seen Tyler?

Raiyn- (sighs) Yeah.

Courtney- How did that go?

Raiyn- It was okay at first. Then he flipped out at me.

Courtney- Tyler is crazy over you. He was so sad when you left & then Earl was gone too. He didn't know what to do with himself. Neither did Spencer. You guys were tight as hell. 

Raiyn- That we were.

Courtney- Hodgy told me you came back with a guy...

Raiyn- I did.

Courtney- That's probably why he's so upset now.

Raiyn- When is Earl coming back?

Courtney- None of us know, except his mother. And as you know she doesn't like any of us. Especially Tyler.

Raiyn- Yeah I know that.

Courtney- Well I hope things work out between you & Tyler.

Raiyn- Thanks.

Courtney- I also wanted to apologize too. Hodgy & I were wrong for leaving you at prom by yourself. And I'm sorry.

Raiyn- I forgive you.

Courtney- I really missed you Raiyn. Things haven't been the same without you.

Raiyn- I missed you too Court.

Courtney- Ms. Prom Queen, congrats on that.

Raiyn- Where is Sarah & Jeremy now?

Courtney- Jeremy is in rehab for drugs & Sarah is pregnant again elsewhere.

Raiyn- Wow, again?

Courtney- Yeah. Jeremy had a bad drug habit. Sarah found out she was pregnant the night of prom & she had the baby early & then got pregnant again. 

Raiyn- That's crazy.

Courtney- She kissed goodbye her cheerleader career real fast. So we friends again or what?

Raiyn- (laughs) Yeah we are.

Courtney- It's great to have you back.

Raiyn- Yeah same here along with my new friend Trenton.

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