Chapter 5: Ride

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Hodgy let Tyler drive. We are in a residential area where none of us live. It's about to get crazy. I already know it. I held on to Sammy. Courtney unbuckled my seat belt & smiled at me. I'm about to die. I gripped Sammy more. 

Tyler- You niggas ready?

Hodgy- Hell yeah! 

Tyler- Let's do this shit!

Tyler took off down the street. I felt my back slam into the seat behind me. We had to be going more than 60 mph. 

Hodgy- Oh fuck! There's a stop sign coming up! Tyler hit the brake!

Tyler slammed on the brake & I went flying into the seat in front of me. I looked at Courtney & she was dying. Everyone was laughing but me. Tyler turned the corner & sped up. 


He slammed on the brake again & I ran into Sammy this time. He turned the corner fast & I almost smacked heads with Courtney.

Tyler & Hodgy- STOP SIGN!

Courtney & I went flying again into the seats in front of us. Tyler turned again going fast & I slammed up against the door next to me. 

Tyler, Hodgy, & Courtney- STOP SIGN!

Tyler slammed on the brake, again. I almost flew over Hodgy. Tyler turned another corner going even faster & sped up. I looked at the dash & the needle was pointing at 80mph. I'm about to die.

Tyler, Hodgy, & Courtney- STOP SIGN! 

Tyler slammed on the brake & turned going 70mph. I ran straight into Courtney & hit my head on the door. 

Courtney- Yo Tyler pull over. I think she's hurt!

I moved back to where I was sitting holding my head. I pulled my hand down & looked at it. Blood. 

Hodgy- Yo you alright?

Courtney- She's bleeding. Are you okay Raiyn?

Raiyn- Yeah I think so.

Hodgy- Tyler turn on the light.

Everything got bright. My head started pounding. I put my hand on my head & then looked at it again. I was still bleeding. 

Tyler- Damn yo. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...

Courtney- It's okay. It's just a gash.

Raiyn- (freaking out) A gash?!

Courtney- Hodgy do you have a napkin or something in here? She's dripping blood on Tyler's jacket.

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