Chapter 29: Goblin

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I sat with all my niggas listening to the newly recorded Boppin' Bitch. The song is hilarious. Frank & I recorded Fish as well. And we all did Window. Now I have to pick the order of the songs. 

Tyler- So, Goblin, Yonkers, She, Transylvania, Nightmare, & Tron Cat. What should come next?

Jasper- Bitch Suck Dick.

Taco- Nah, Do Window.

Frank- Do Her.

Tyler- Okay Her, Sandwiches, Fish with BB.

Hodgy- Analog.

Jasper- Then Bitch Suck Dick.

Domo- Window.

Tyler- Au79, Golden, Burger, Untitled 63, Steak Sauce. Last 3 are bonus tracks.

Left Brain- Congrats nigga. You have an album.

Tyler- (sarcastically) Gee thanks...

Mike G- Too bad Earl couldn't be on it.

Tyler- I know man.

Frank- Got your artwork together?

Tyler- No. I'll take some pictures later.

I got a text from Sarah. She wanted me to come over.

Tyler- I hate to end this lovely gathering but a nigga got to go.

Domo- You gay.

Tyler- Bye niggas! Wait Left can you give me a ride.

Left Brain- Yeah I got you, nigga.

We got into his truck & I gave him the directions to Sarah's apartment.

Left Brain- So have you herd?

Tyler- About what?

Left Brain- Raiyn...

Tyler- What about her?

Left Brain- She's getting married.

Tyler- Oh, good for her...

He started feeling on my head & shit. I smacked his hand away.

Tyler- Nigga what are you doing?

Left Brain- Making sure you aren't sick because the real Tyler would have lost his mind.

Tyler- Well the real Tyler is here & I'm not mad.

Left Brain- Why not?

Tyler- Because she said if she ever got married to someone else she wanted me to be happy for her.

Left Brain- Well according to Courtney she's getting married next year.

Tyler- Oh okay.

Left Brain- You're really cool about it? Wow...

Tyler- Yeah. Why not?

Left Brain- You're crazy dude. Crazy.

We made it to Sarah's & I gave him some dap then hopped out his truck. I went up to Sarah's apartment & knocked. I could hear Justin crying. That nigga always crying. 

Sarah- (opening the door) Oh hey. Come in.

I went in & saw baby toys all over the place. Someone could fall & break their neck in here.

Tyler- Do you need help picking up the toys?

Sarah- There's no use. He's just gonna throw them back on the floor.

Tyler- Oh okay.

Sarah- I heard about Raiyn. How do you feel?

Tyler- It's whatever...

Sarah- So that's it?

Tyler- Yeah.

I felt my phone vibrate. I took my phone out & I had a text from Hodgy.

Hodgy: Where are you?

Tyler: With a friend

Hodgy: Are you with that Sarah girl?

Tyler: How you know nigga?

Hodgy: Courtney saw you niggas hanging out but if I were you I would leave.... asap

Tyler: Why?

Hodgy: Just do it

Tyler: This ain't no Nike commercial nigga

Hodgy: Alright. Consider yourself warned

What is this nigga talking about? Why should I leave? There was a knock on the door. She went over to the door & looked out the peephole. I heard her gasp.

Tyler- What?

Sarah- You have to leave.

Tyler- Why? (stands up) What's wrong?

Sarah- It's Jeremy. He's home.

Shit. I should have listened to Hodgy. There was more knocking at the door.

Sarah- Quick into the closet.

Tyler- I'm not R. Kelly!

Sarah- You are today!

Fuck. Shit. I really should have listened to Hodgy.

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