Chapter 34: Vegas Part Two

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Hodgy had to be going 100mph down the highway. Good thing there were no cops out. Or we would have been fucked. I hope we get there in time before she marries him. She can't marry him. Something doesn't feel right about it either. I just hope everyone is okay. When we made it to Vegas, it was mid-morning. We got some food to eat then went looking around at churches. I hope we aren't too late. Based God don't let us be too late.


Against my will, Reggie drove us into town. Jermaine & I will be saying "I do" at noon. I don't want to do this but I have too. I have cold feet like a motherfucker. An arranged marriage is so wrong. I wish I can go back in time to the day Jasmine introduced me to Jermaine. Or better yet back to when Tyler said to see other people. I should have begged him to stay with me. Or something! My life would be so different right now. I wouldn't have a gun to my head getting married & not knowing if my mother is alive or not. I want that life back. Spencer, Earl, Jasper, Tyler, & I were a team. Even though Jasper was always the fifth wheel he never complained. We had so much fun together. I knew going to college was going to be a life changer but not like this. According to Reggie, once Jermaine & I are married we will be moving to New York. I don't want to move to New York forever & leave everything I have in LA. I can't do that. Without saying goodbye. I just can't do that. We pulled up to a church. It was sinking in. I will be unhappy for the rest of my life. I'll make the best of it I suppose. We got out of the car & walked up to the church.

Jermaine- (holding on to her arm) Be happy. We finally have a family of our own away from LA. 

He kissed me on my head. This nigga got to be kidding me. He's just as crazy as his dad. Somebody, please come save me. I don't want to do this!


We looked all around town. I have never been to so many churches in my life. For a second I thought we would evaporate stepping on the stairs leading up to one church. 

Jasper- (falling onto the ground) We are never gonna find her!

Hodgy- Get your stupid ass off the ground!

Taco- We are gonna find her stupid.

Left- Yeah have some hope nigga.

I, on the other hand, was feeling like Jasper who was throwing a tantrum on the ground. I really hope we find her in time. I wish Thebe was here. Maybe he would know what to do. I called his phone & got the voicemail of course. I hung up. Then it hit me. GPS. Maybe Raiyn has her phone on her & can locate her that way. So I tried it. I got an address.

Tyler- Yo what street are we on?

Taco- Sunrise Ave.

The street address I got was the same name as the street we are on. We had to be close.

Tyler- Yo get in the car let's go niggas!

Jasper- (rolling around) We are doomed!

Taco- (kicking him) Get the fuck up!

Hodgy- What's up?

Tyler- I located her phone. We are on the same street as her

They all got bug-eyed then rushed into Hodgy's ride. Raiyn, we are coming. We are coming.


I'm dressed as Cleopatra. Jermaine is dressed as Prince. I just want to break down & cry but I can't. Reggie told me to get my shit together. So I forced a smile. We were called next to be wedded. The person who was marrying us was dressed as Michael Jackson. How original. 

MJ- What's your names?

Jermaine- Raiyn & Jermaine.

MJ- Do you Prince aka Jermaine take... hehe...Cleopatra aka Raiyn as your wife? Jamon!

Jermaine- I do.

MJ- Do you Ms. Cleopatra.. hehe... aka Raiyn take Prince aka Jermaine as your husband?

I looked around. Reggie had a snarl on his face. Jermaine was smiling in my face rubbing my hands. Everyone waiting was looking at us now that I've been quiet for more than 3 seconds. I was trying to force "I do" out. But it got stuck in my throat. The more I forced it the more it stuck. 

?- Stop! Stop the wedding! You can't do this!

I look down the aisle & saw Tyler running up to us.

Reggie- Get the fuck on! Come on Raiyn let's get this done so we can go!

Tyler- Raiyn you can't do this!

Jermaine- Step back buster. She isn't yours anymore!

Tyler- She will always be mine. Come on Raiyn lets go home.

He had his hand out waiting for me to take it. I let go of Jermaine's hands & grabbed Tyler's & we ran off down the aisle.

Jermaine- (yelling after them) Are you serious?!

We were almost to the entrance when I heard gunshots.

Tyler- Come on we have to hurry!

We ran outside & to Hodgy's car. The back door flew opened & we dove in & Hodgy pulled off fast as hell.

Jasper- (hugging her) You're back!

Raiyn- Glad to be!

Next thing you know, Hodgy's back window shattered. We all ducked.

Hodgy- What the fuck?!

Left- Are they shooting at us?

Tyler- Yeah. They tried to get us on the way out.

Jasper- These niggas have guns?! Oh shit. I'm glad I took a shit at that Waffle House!

They started shooting at Hodgy's car again. Tyler put himself over me. I felt Hodgy accelerate the car & weave back & forth. I hope we make it back to LA alive & in one piece. I hugged Tyler. I've never been this happy to see him in my life. 

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