Chapter 14: Bullshit

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Today was a hot one. Almost 90 degrees. Yet here I am in a long sleeve shirt & skinny jeans & long socks hoping no one will see my bruises. I was hella sweaty. But no one saw my bruises. Tyler kept asking me all day why I had this outfit on if I was hot, but I continued to change the topic hoping he didn't notice. 

Tyler- So why do you have a long sleeve shirt on in 90-degree weather?

Well, he did notice.

Raiyn- I didn't have anything else clean.

Tyler- That's what washing machines are for silly.

Raiyn- I know..

Tyler- Lazy ass. Well, you ready to give your speech today?

Raiyn- No.

Tyler- You'll do good. I'm sure of it. I'll be in the crowd cheering you on.

Raiyn- (sarcastically) One fan. Oh goodie (rolls her eyes)

Tyler- Well come on. I want to be in the first few rows so you can see me.

He grabbed my wrist & pulled me along as we ran to the theater. He went & took his seat & I went backstage. Sarah was in the back preparing her speech making sure she didn't mispronounce a single word. I got mine out of my bag & started doing the same. The butterflies that live in my stomach started going crazy. I was getting muscle spasms in my legs. I was so nervous. My hands got sweaty. After going over my speech three times the principal went on. All he talked about was a whole bunch of nothing. Basically saying vote fair & blah blah blah. Then the assistant principal went on.

AP- Alright Students lets meet our candidates for King & Queen! For King: Jeremy Justice & Anthony Brown. For Queen: Sarah Stevens & Raiyn Goodwill.

We all went out on stage. Everyone was clapping & yelling everyone's names but mine. I looked in the crowd & saw Courtney & Tiffany laughing. I looked a few rows over & saw Tyler smiling at me with his thumbs up. I did an awkward smile back. Then came time for speeches. Anthony gave a long agonizing speech. Then came Jeremy's speech.

Jeremy- Sup guys!

Everyone started cheering loud. I looked over at Tyler & he rolled his eyes. Everyone loves Jeremy. He is the most popular guy in school. He's gonna win King no doubt.

Jeremy- So we were supposed to write a speech on why we should be Prom King or Queen or whatever. So I did one. I, Jeremy "JJ" Justice, should be Prom King because look at me, I am Jeremy Justice! Thank you!

He took his place next to Anthony & everyone went nuts. This dude was cocky as hell. To think I once had a crush on him. Wow. That completely died now. At least he kept his speech simple & short. Then came up Sarah.

Sarah- Hey guys! I should be Prom Queen because I know everyone. I'm kind to all those who need help & I am active in the majority of the clubs & extracurriculars...

Blah blah blah blah. All lies.  I looked over at Tiffany & Courtney & they were smiling. I looked over at Tyler & he was nearly drooling over her. Then her speech was over. Everyone was clapping & cheering for her. Even Tyler was yelling her name. I thought he was Team Raiyn? Now it's my turn. I grabbed my paper from out my back pocket & unfolded it & came up to the podium. No one was cheering. I got the "I don't know her but I'm gonna clap anyway" applause. I rolled up my sleeves & pushed my hair behind my ear. I looked at my paper then at the crowd again. I got even more nervous. I started sweating again. I wiped the sweat off my upper lip & looked over at Tyler. Now I haven't said anything for a full minute & people were getting restless. He smiled & put his thumbs up again. I looked over at Tiffany & Courtney & they were snickering. I looked back over where Tyler was & he mouthed that I could do it. I nodded & began talking.

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