Chapter 11: Loners

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I walked into school alone. I walked into my English class. I dread coming into here. I have to sit directly behind her. Stupid assigned seats. We were starting a new story. It came time to get a book & read it & answer questions. I sat there as everyone got books. Then I quickly realized no one would get me a book. Courtney always did that. By the time I got to the front. No more books were left. Salty. I heard a few people snicker & I walked back to my seat. I looked at Courtney & she smiled while reading. I looked around. I was the only one without a book. Well great. My teacher asked if anyone was willing to let me use their book. Everyone just looked around at each other. Well then. My teacher said he was sorry for the inconvenience & said he will have another one for me tomorrow, hopefully. I'm drowning in salt right now. For now, I just sit in my seat & put my head down.

Next up was math. She had us team up together to work on a packet. Courtney went off with her other friends & I was left in the center. Alone again. My math teacher was willing to work with me. I have somewhat of a friend now.

Then came my student helper period. I did the work she wanted me to do. Listened to her complain about students & never having the chance to get caught up on grades. But she was so grateful to have me helping her because she knew she would die in all these papers.

Then came lunch. What am I going to do now? I walked around but then got in trouble for walking in hallways that I shouldn't have been in. I walked into the cafeteria. I saw Courtney laughing with her friends. I walked back out. I saw Tyler chatting with some guy near the front office. I walked to the library. They were closed for renovations. Well then. I guess I'll go to anatomy early. Her door was locked. I stood against the wall waiting for her to get back. This is what I get for giving up on the only friendship I had right?

Then came class time. Courtney & I sat at the same lab table. But she scooted all the way to the other side. We got grade reports & I had the highest grade in the class. One good thing today. We had to do this coloring sheet. I had to get my own coloring pencils. Courtney & used to share. Not anymore. I was left with all the broken shitty colored ones. I went through all my afternoon classes alone as well. No one worked with me or talked to me. I'm lamer than I once was.

I walked home alone. Came home to an empty house. I played with Jaden for a while. Then once my mom got home I dropped off the box of clothes at Courtney's. My mom was sad to know our friendship was over. She said I would be fine but I don't think she truly understands. I didn't eat dinner. I just went straight to sleep dreading the next day.

I got up & did my normal routine. Walked to school. It was supposed to be nice out today. I had on my favorite jeans & shirt. I finally had a book for English class. We did teamwork again in Math & my math teacher worked with me again. My student helper period was okay I guess. I went outside for lunch. It's too nice to stay indoors. I went under a tree so I wouldn't get hot & pulled out my sketchbook & began to draw. 

?- So you're just gonna sit under my tree like it's okay or something?

I looked up & saw Tyler. He was smiling at me.

Raiyn- Oh this is your tree? (I turned around & looked at it) I don't see your name on it.

He pulled out a pocket knife & carved his name on the tree.

Tyler- Now you do.

Raiyn- You know you can get expelled for that right?

Tyler- I don't give a fuck. Why are you under my tree, tree stealer?

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