Chapter 21: FUCK

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I was in a bad mood. I wanted to kill everyone. She's with that stupid fuck now. She's right I am jealous. I'm jealous as fuck. She was mine first. Every time Reggie kicked her ass, I was there. When Courtney wanted nothing to do with her, I was there. When no one listened to her or even cared, I did. I. Me. It was all me. Just me & her. And I was stupid enough to say, "let's see other people". Why the fuck did I say that? I'm so fucking stupid. I messed up. Big time. I can't believe I just let her go like that. What the fuck man?! Now she's with that fag. Smiling in his face. Wearing her hair just how I like it. Giving him my hugs. My Kisses. And possibly my sex. This nigga has to go & now. I left everyone at the arcade. Took the bus home. I saw her & him at a Wendy's. She was smiling all in his face. Leaning in for a kiss. I looked away. I couldn't watch that shit. Just watching that much made my blood boil. I went home. My grandma was sitting on the couch watching TV. I slammed the door shut & stomped all the way up into my room.

TG- Excuse me, boy. But that is not how you come into the house. Now try again.

I went back downstairs & went outside & shut the door. Maybe I should calm down. I took a deep breath, then opened the door again. 

TG- Why are you so mad at the world?

Tyler- Raiyn!

TG- Oh yeah that's right. Her momma called saying she was back today. I'm surprised she didn't come by. Do you want her to?

Tyler- (sits on the couch) No.

TG- Why not? You used to be so in love with that girl.

Tyler- She has a new dude.

TG- Ohhhhhh. I see. You're jealous huh?

Tyler- Damn right I'm jealous. We did everything together.

TG- Now she doing everything with him. I see. Just tell her how you feel.

Tyler- I did.

TG- And what did she do?

Tyler- Storm out.

TG- Well did you piss her off?

Tyler- I think so.

TG- Try again. Just apologize & try not to piss her off next time.

Tyler- I don't even know if I want to talk to her.

TG- Yeah you do. You're just in denial.

Tyler- She knows I'm better than him, at everything.

TG- Did you do the nasty with her?

Tyler- (chuckles) Yeah.

TG- Now it all makes sense. You're attached to that girl. Well, who broke up with who?

Tyler- I broke up with her.

TG- Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy? You are stupid. You should never let go of a girl you love. Never. Now you gotta get her back. Just stupid!

Tyler- I want her back.

TG- Well get her back!

Tyler- How?

TG- I can't help you with that playa. You better figure it out yourself.

With that, I went up to my room & started planning on how I was gonna get her back. So here's the plan. Well for tonight anyway. I'm gonna take another shower. I don't want to smell like anger. Freshen up. Get my hair cut. Wear one of her favorite outfits that she loves to see me wear. Buy her flowers. And her favorite candies. I skated to her house. Her lights were still on good. I got off my board & knocked on her door. Her mom answered.

RM- Tyler! Hey sweetie, how are you doing?

Tyler- I'm fine. Is Raiyn here?

RM- Yeah she is here. Let me go get her.

She left & Raiyn came to the door.

Raiyn- Hi.

Tyler- Hai.

I gave her flowers & candy.

Tyler- I wanted to apologize for earlier. I was just upset. I'm really sorry.

Raiyn- I accept your apology.

Tyler- (smiles) Okay. And I was also wondering if you would like to come to the movies with me tomorrow.

Raiyn- I don't know Tyler.

Tyler- It's not a date or anything. We can just catch up like we were supposed to earlier.

Raiyn- You understand that I'm with Jermaine right?

Tyler- (sighs) Yeah very clearly...

Raiyn- Okay. I'll go with you. Just text me & let me know what time.

Tyler- (smiles) Okay good. Can I get a hug before I go?

Raiyn- You're pushing your luck.

Tyler- (throws his hands up) Okay okay. I'll just go now. See you tomorrow.

Raiyn- Bye.

I got on my board & skated home happy as fuck. Yes!

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