Chapter 13: Friends

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I walked out of my last period class & met up with Tyler in the hallway.

Tyler- Are you ready for tonight?

Raiyn- Somewhat.

Tonight I was going back to the arcade. We were going to develop my campaign so I can beat Sarah & the other cheerleaders & be crowned prom queen. But Tyler also had some other plans for us to do as well.

Tyler- What are you not ready for?

Raiyn- Your plans.

He just laughed as he walked me home. And that is another reason why I'm nervous. I don't know what he has planned. We finally made it to my house when he finally stopped laughing.

Tyler- Um is it okay if I use your bathroom?

Raiyn- What are you going to do?

Tyler- I'm not going to take a shit or anything.

Raiyn- I guess you can then.

I unlocked the door & went in. I showed him where the bathroom was & I ran up into my room to check on Jaden.

Raiyn- (putting her bag down) Jaden!

I looked around & didn't see her. Then I saw her face poking out from under my desk.

Raiyn- (picking her up) What are you doing down there? You could get smashed. No going under my desk Jaden.

She started purring & I heard a toilet flush.

Raiyn- Let's go meet Tyler.

I went downstairs where I left Tyler & I looked into the bathroom but nobody was there. Where did he go? I walked into the kitchen. No one was in there. I went back into the living room & No one was there either. I walked back to the kitchen & took the secret staircase back upstairs. I walked around & didn't see anyone. I heard a clatter coming from my room. I knew it wasn't my mom or Reggie because neither was home. And Jaden was with me. I walked into my room. And looked around. It looked normal. What fell? I went into my bathroom & it looked normal. I walked out & crashed right into Tyler.

Tyler- There you are! Yo, your house is sick!

Raiyn- Where were you?

Tyler- Oh I gave myself a tour. I took the stairs from the kitchen.

Raiyn- I don't appreciate you snooping around my house.

Tyler- Why? You have dead bodies in your basement too?

Raiyn- What?!

Tyler- (laughs) I'm joking (looks at Jaden) So this is the cat you were telling me about.

Raiyn- Right. This is Jaden. Jaden this is Tyler.

Tyler took her from me & petted her. He walked over to my bed & sat on it & sat her on his lap. She was being all cute & flirty with him. Rubbing up against him & purring. It took me forever to get her to purr at me & they just met each other & she's purring already. She's being fast. She likes Tyler already. She laid next to him with her belly facing up. If that happens then that cat trusts you. Well, that was fast.

Tyler- She liked me (smiles) 

Raiyn- (crosses her arms) Yeah I see.

Tyler- What are you jealous or something?

Raiyn- Yeah. It took me forever to get her to act like that towards me.

Tyler- Animals love me. It happens.

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