Chapter 12: Enemies

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I waited for Raiyn to show up before I walked into the building. Just as I said, I walk her to all her classes & I walk her home if my boss doesn't need me to come in early. I've been doing this all week. I don't mind it at all. She seems like a good girl. Courtney gives us looks. I know they aren't friends anymore. Shit it crazy really. I have a class with Courtney & she wouldn't tell me why they aren't friends. She wanted nothing to do with Raiyn. It's crazy. They were once joined at the hip. I was about to walk in when I saw her walking up to me. She didn't have her hair straighten for once. 

Tyler- Hey buddy.

Raiyn- Hi Tyler.

Tyler- Ready to go learn?

Raiyn- I don't know are you?

Tyler- Hey my grades are better than yours!

Raiyn- Not for long!

She ran into the building & I ran after her. Soon we were walking through the crowd of people to go to her first class. 

Tyler- Courtney hasn't been being mean to you now has she?

Raiyn- She doesn't even speak to me.

Tyler- Okay good. I would have to fight her.

Raiyn- (laughs) All she does is give me dirty looks & laugh then go back to doing what she normally does.

Tyler- She's just a meanie (stops in front of the class) Well have fun in English. See you after class.

Raiyn- See ya!

She walked off into the class & I turned around & tried to not be late for my first class. I ran down the hallway & out of nowhere my bag was snatched from my hand. I turned around & saw Courtney.

Courtney- What do you have going on with Raiyn?

Tyler- I'm just her friend.

Courtney- You weren't even interested in her. Why now?

Tyler- Because of you, she was left with no friends. Now I have to go. Bye nigga.

I ran to my first class & made it in right before the tardy bell.


I got out my work & started working on my essay that was due at the end of class. I noticed Courtney walked in after the tardy bell. Shame. She sat down & rammed her chair into my desk making me leave a long black line on my paper in pen. 

Raiyn- Excuse you!

Courtney- (turning around) What?

Raiyn- I said excuse you.

Everyone's attention was on us. I heard people whispering.

Courtney- Wow. You actually said something. The nobody actually talked to a somebody. You should watch yourself little one.

Raiyn- I'm not scared of you or your posse.

Courtney- You will be.

She turned around & continued what she was doing. I was the first to finish my essay. I got up & made my way to the teacher's desk & handed it to him. He read it & loved it. He even told the whole class about it. I looked at Courtney & she rolled her eyes. She knows she sucks at writing essays. She always needed me to help her. Not this time. Ha-ha. I walked back to my desk going the long way. I walked down our row & purposely ran into her desk making her mark up her paper then I sat down. Before she could do anything, the bell rang. I put my things in my bag & walked out meeting Tyler & we walked to my math class.

He ran to his next class while I sat down in my seat. Courtney walked in with her little posse, who I'm supposed to be scared of. They were all popular girls. If you had a problem with one the whole school knew. I was waiting for my "punishment". The teacher began the class. Asking us questions & stuff. She gave us a worksheet to do. I started working on it & I heard her talking to those girls. She was telling them what I did. I got up & walked to the back of the class where they were & they were all looking at me. I grabbed a calculator & walked back to my seat. I was one of the first to finish & the teacher walked out. I sat back in my seat putting my things away. When I looked up, Courtney & her "gang" were surrounding me. Stupid Cheerleaders. On my left was Sarah. She was a Caucasian. Green eyes, dark hair. On my right was Tiffany. Mixed girl. Brown eyes, black hair. Then was Courtney in front of me.

Sarah- So I heard you have a problem with Courtney. What's your issue?

Raiyn- What happens between she & I is none of your business.

Tiffany- It is when you try to punk her in front of the class.

Raiyn- Whatever.

I went back to putting the things in my bag & Sarah took my bag & dumped everything out of it. I heard a few people whispering. I looked around & saw them chuckling & laughing at me.

Sarah- You've messed with the wrong one sweetie. Now, I advise you to watch your back. Because we are gonna be hot on your ass you lame bitch.

Tiffany- Isn't she the one that Tyler guy escorts around the school?

Courtney- That's her.

Sarah- You hang with Tyler? You are a quadruple lame now. Ew. Tiff, let all the girls know if she steps on foot into the bathrooms her life is over.

Tiffany- Will do.

Sarah- Loser.

She stepped on my bag leaving a huge footprint on it. They all went back to their seats. Now the whole class was laughing at me. Just great. The class was over & I met Tyler in the hallway.

Tyler- What's wrong with you? You look angry.

Raiyn- Nothing.

Tyler- Are you sure?

Raiyn- We can talk about this later okay?

Tyler- (throws his hands up) Alright. Just don't kill me.

He walked me to my student helper period class & after that, he met up with me so we could go sit under his tree.

Tyler- So what was wrong with you earlier?

Raiyn- Courtney got two of the cheerleaders to punk me in front of the whole class. Now they all are out to get me.

Tyler- What are they gonna do? Make you be at the bottom of their gay ass pyramid or something?

Raiyn- No, beat me up. Well as long as I go into the bathrooms.

Tyler- Well don't go.

Raiyn- Why would I go into the stupid bathrooms? I don't do public restrooms.

Tyler- Girls are so crazy (goes into his bag) Wants some chips?

Raiyn- No thanks. Tyler what am I going to do?

Tyler- I don't know. Kick their asses.

Raiyn- As great as that sounds, I don't want to be suspended.

Tyler- I see. Well, run for prom queen. I'm sure all the cheerleading bitches are gonna go after that. Well, at least the captain hoe is.

Raiyn- Really? Should I?

Tyler- Yeah! You can do it yo. I bet you would win.

Raiyn- No I wouldn't. No one even knows who I am.

Tyler- Now that the cheer bitches are hot on your ass everyone will know who you are. If I were you I would use that as my advantage. 

Raiyn- Would you run for king?

Tyler- I honestly don't care for that. But I will help you with your campaign because that's what friends do.

Raiyn- Why thank you. You are a great friend. Better than Courtney ever was.

Tyler- (gets up) Enough with the mushy shit (grabs her wrist) Let's go kick some cheer bitches asses!

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