Chapter 28: Say What?

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Okay, so this is unexpected. Ever since that day at the store I've been hanging out with Sarah. Raiyn went back to college & I haven't spoken to her either. Didn't even say goodbye this time. Between hanging with Sarah & getting this album together I haven't really spoken to anybody. But I had to slow down on the hanging out this with Sarah after I smashed her. I don't know what I was thinking. It was so awkward afterward. I head to the studio. Syd was recording me today. 

Syd- You ready nigga?

Tyler- Yeah let's get this shit done.

Syd started recording & I went in. I decided to name the song Tron Cat. After recording, we decided to go to Fat Burger with Taco tagging along.

Syd- (getting out the car) What's up with the "rape a pregnant bitch & tell my friends I had a threesome" line?

Tyler- Nothing. Just talking that's all.

Syd- (gives him a look) Okay nigga...

Taco- That song was awesome though. You went in for no reason.

Tyler- It's what I do.

We got our burgers then left.

Syd- So you want to go back & record some more or?

Tyler- Yeah. I want to get this album finished.

I got Jasper to come over as well as Hodgy & Left Brain. Recorded Radicals, Bitch Suck Dick, Sandwiches, and a few others. I need Frank, Domo, & Mike G to come over too. But they're busy so no worries. But we knocked out a lot of songs today. This album is gonna be awesome. I really wish Earl could be here though.


Back in my dorm with Jasmine. I haven't spoken to or seen Tyler in weeks. He's obviously done with me. It's cool I guess. Jermaine & I got into a big argument over Tyler. But when he realized when Tyler stopped talking to me he got over it & we made up. The whole marriage thing is still in the air. Now that Tyler doesn't want anything to do with me I guess making a decision wouldn't be hard. I lay on my bed waiting for Jasmine to get out the shower. I get a call on my phone, Courtney.

Raiyn- (answering the phone) Hey Court.

Courtney- Hey girl.

Raiyn- What's up?

Courtney- You would not believe who I saw at the baby store.

Raiyn- Who?

Courtney- Sarah. But that's not it. She was with someone we both know a little too well...


Courtney- Take a deep breath, Tyler.

Raiyn- You're lying...

Courtney- I wish I was.

Raiyn- Prove it.

Courtney- I'll send you a picture. Call me when you get it.

We hung up & I waited to receive the picture. Tyler with Sarah? When did hell freeze over? I looked out the window. No pigs flying. What the hell? How did that even happen? My phone vibrated. "New Picture Message!". Oh gosh. I opened it & there behold, Tyler & Sarah. She was obviously very pregnant. Carrying her kid on her hip. And Tyler stood next to her looking off looking like he was listening to her talk. That made me kind of mad. I called Courtney back.

Courtney- (answering) Told you so.

Raiyn- Out of all people he chose her?

Courtney- I guess so. But you got that cutie Jermaine so doesn't even think about Tyler.

Raiyn- But he's with the girl I hate the most.

Courtney- And you're with a guy he hates too. But don't worry. Jeremy is getting out of Rehab in a few weeks so when he sees her with him...

Raiyn- It will be over.

Courtney- Right. Plus Sarah is still crazy over Jeremy. And he is the father of her kids don't worry. Tyler will be fine. Well, Trenton is crying. He's probably hungry. I'll talk to you later Rai.

Raiyn- Okay. Tell Trenton & Hodgy I said hey.

Courtney- Will do!

We hung up & Jasmine got out the shower.

Raiyn- How was your date with Jasper?

Jasmine- Good. I really like that guy.

Raiyn- Jasper is a cool guy so I don't blame you.

Jasmine- Well I'm going to sleep because I am exhausted. See you later chica.

Raiyn- Night.

She went & laid in her bed & put her headphones in her ears & went to sleep. There was a knock on the door. I went & got it. It was Jermaine.

Jermaine- Hey you.

Raiyn- Hey.

Jermaine- Jas sleep?

Raiyn- Yeah.

Jermaine- Good. there was something I wanted to ask you.

Raiyn- What?

Jermaine- Are you gonna marry me?

I thought about it for a second. The only reason why I waited this long was to see where Tyler & I stood. He's obviously with Sarah now. So I should move on as well.

Raiyn- Of course (smiles)

Jermaine- I'm getting married!

He picked me up & spun me around. I can't believe it. Soon I'll be a married woman.

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