Chapter 9: Homecoming Night

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Homecoming is tonight. Courtney, Hodgy, & I are all going. But not together of course. I don't know about Tyler. My dress was an all gold long dress. It shimmered when lights touched it. I had black heels & gold jewelry to go with it. Courtney was coming over to do my hair. My mom was extra excited. Wait until prom in a few months. Courtney & Hodgy came over. They both were wearing black & red. They both looked wonderful. 

Courtney- You & these long dresses.

Raiyn- I only wear long ones.

Courtney- You should show them legs girl! But you still look great.

We all went to my room to finish getting ready. Courtney curled my hair & she did hers. My mom was taking pictures of us the whole time. Then it was time to go. We got into Hodgy's car & drove to school. Everyone looked nice. Everyone was looking at me. I got lots of compliments. I felt great. Hodgy & Courtney left to go have fun. I went off & did my own thing. I got my some punch & I took my place on the wall & watched everyone have fun & dance.


I didn't want to go to homecoming. That shit is lame. I went to Earl's. And he wasn't there. I went to Taco's & Jasper was there as well.

Jasper- Ain't your homecoming tonight?

Tyler- Yeah.

Taco- Why aren't you there?

Tyler- Didn't want to go.

Jasper- Whatever. But what y'all niggas want to do?

Tyler- Let's go in your dad's studio & record some stuff.

Taco- Alright.

We went into the basement & went into the studio.

Jasper- Got any beats?

Tyler- Always.

I went into my pocket & threw my flash drive at him.

Jasper- Which one do you want to use?

Tyler- Play them & use the one you like.

Taco- I'm gonna get some chips. I'll be back.

Tyler- Go get Syd too so she can record us.

Taco- Alright.

He ran upstairs & Jasper started listening to some beats I made.

Jasper- How many songs have you made for your album so far?

Tyler- Like 7 so far that I want on there.

Jasper- How many are you going to put on there?

Tyler- I don't know 12 or 13. Maybe 15.

Taco came down with some chips & with Syd.

Syd- Hey guys.

Tyler- Sup?

Syd- What y'all recording this time?

Tyler- Whatever comes to mind. Taco you hopping on?

Taco- Hell yeah.

Jasper- I should have first verse though.

Tyler- Okay.

Taco- I call last!

Tyler- Alright. Let's pick a beat.

We went through the ones I had done & then picked them. Jasper went into the booth first.

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