Chapter 33: Vegas Part One

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Reggie- Miss me, best friend?

Raiyn- How did you get in?

Reggie- Picked the lock. You look all extra grown now. I see you girl!

Raiyn- Please leave.

Reggie- I will. But why aren't you marrying Jermaine?

Raiyn- How do you know Jermaine?

Reggie- Don't worry about it.

Raiyn- It's just not a good idea right now.

Reggie- It is though.

Raiyn- Where is my mom?

Reggie- At home. I told her to stay home & leave you alone for a while. She always listens to me.

Raiyn- Did you hurt my mom?

Reggie- Did I? I have a surprise for you.

Raiyn- What?

Reggie- We are going to Vegas.

Raiyn- Why?

Reggie- Because you're getting married to Jermaine.

Raiyn- No I'm not.

Reggie- What I say goes...

He came up to me & took Trenton from me. Jermaine came from behind me & grabbed me & took me out back. I fought him the whole way but he was too strong for me. Reggie met us in the back & he popped trunk & Jermaine put me in it & closed it. I can't believe they are working together.


I'm finally out of the hospital. My ribs kinda hurt but I'll make it. I was hanging out with Jasper, Taco & Left when Hodgy came into the room mad as hell.

Hodgy- (walking up on Tyler) Yo nigga you need to check your girl!

Tyler- What girl?

Hodgy- Raiyn.

Jasper- Uh oh what she do?

Hodgy- She left my son home alone!

Left- She did not...

Hodgy- Yes she did. He was crying so hard his face was red. He needed to be changed & everything!

Tyler- Damn. I'm sorry yo. Is he okay?

Hodgy- He's good now that Court is there. We were calling her & she wasn't answering.

Taco- That's fucked up yo.

Hodgy- I'm mad as hell right now!

Jasper- Nigga go smoke some weed & chill out. Little dude is good now.

Tyler- That's weird though. Raiyn wouldn't leave a baby by himself.

Hodgy- Well she did that to Trenton!

Jasper- Weed my nigga.

Hodgy- (pulls out a baggie) I'm rolling!

Left- Yeah I can't picture her outta all people just leaving a baby though.

Jasper- Didn't she & Courtney just reunite.

Hodgy- Yeah. They're cool again.

Taco- That doesn't make sense though. If they're tight again why would she leave Trenton alone?

Tyler- Did you check around the house?

Hodgy- Yep. No sign of her or her purse or anything.

Left- Wow. Something probably happened to ol' girl.

Taco- You saying she was forced out?

Left- Seems like it. I highly doubt she would just willingly walk out leaving him alone.

Tyler- Her mom is MIA too...

Hodgy- Yeah & Courtney said that she saw Reggie at their house.

Jasper- Y'all don't think...

Taco- Uh oh.

Left- We should make a stop by her house just to make sure.

Hodgy- Already did. No one was home. All the lights were out & there were no cars in the driveway.

Jasper- Maybe they were in the garage.

Tyler- They use it for storage. A car wouldn't fit in there.

Taco- This doesn't sound too good. We should still head over there to make sure.

Left- Yeah Hodgy pack that shit up we gotta go.

We got into Hodgy's car & drove off to Raiyn's house. Just as Hodgy said no lights were on. No cars in the driveway. We got out & searched around the outside of the house. Nothing looked out of place. So weird. We all met up back at Hodgy's ride.

Hodgy- Nothing looked out of place.

Jasper- It all looked normal.

Taco- I have never been here before so I don't know.

Left- Yeah me neither.

Tyler- It all looked normal. But her mom would be here at this time. Her mom never leaves the house after 8 unless it's an emergency.

Taco- It doesn't look like anyone broke in so she had to leave if it was an emergency.

Hodgy- I wondered what happened...

Jasper- And where they went.

Hodgy- Courtney did tell me that she & that nigga were supposed to get married in Vegas or at least he wanted to.

Taco- Vegas?

Left- They are probably on their way there now.

Tyler- Damn. She's really getting married.

Hodgy- What you thought it was a joke or something?

Tyler- I thought she was just trying to front.

Taco- You a stupid nigga!

Tyler- Shut up!

Jasper- We got to go to Vegas. We need to save my homie. She can be in trouble.

Tyler- Let's go niggas.


The trunk opened finally. I was getting really hot back here. Jermaine & Reggie grabbed me & dragged me into a motel room. I was tied to a chair. Jermaine sat on the bed & Reggie looked at me.

Raiyn- Where is my mom?

Reggie- She's safe. Don't worry.

Raiyn- How do you two know each other?

Reggie- Just know the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Ain't that right son?

Jermaine- Correct pops!

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