Chapter 6: Whoa

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I did not want to get up this morning. I still feel bad for what happened to Raiyn last night. I don't feel like I apologized enough. I went down to the kitchen after getting ready & saw my grandma making breakfast.

TG- Want some pancakes?

Tyler- No. I'm not really hungry...

TG- You look sad. Why you sad boy?

Tyler- A girl I know got hurt last night because of me. I feel bad.

TG- Oh I see. Well did she forgive you?

Tyler- I think so.

TG- Well how about we take a trip to the flower shop & we'll get her some flowers so you can really apologize.

Tyler- Flower shop?

TG- Girls love flowers.

Tyler- Okay.

She finished making pancakes & left them there for herself. She made me eat an apple then took me to the flower shop. I didn't know what flowers to get so I got one of everything. My grandma paid for it & she dropped me off at school. I grabbed my board from the backseat & kissed her goodbye & ran into the school. I know she hangs with Courtney so I need to find her. I went towards the bathrooms & saw Courtney come out the girls' bathroom.

Tyler- Hey Court!

Courtney- Oh hey Tyler.

Tyler- Is Raiyn in there?

Courtney- No. She didn't show up today. I'm guessing the flowers are for her?

Tyler- Yeah. To show I'm sorry.

Courtney- That's sweet. But she isn't here today. You should stop by her place after school.

Tyler- Alright.

The bell rang & I ran off to my first class. It sucks that I have to carry these all day. I wish she came today. She must have got into some serious trouble if she didn't show up today. I hope she's okay.


I'm exhausted. My mom woke me up at 5 this morning to start cleaning. She gave me a list of things to do & had her boyfriend watch me while she was at work. I have to wipe down every wall in the house. No matter how tall it is. She said that's what ladders are for. Clean every toilet, sink, & tub with a toothbrush. A baby toothbrush at that. Vacuum all the floors with carpet. Mop all the floors with tile. Wipe down every counter with another baby toothbrush. Clean all the windows. Wash every dish in the house. Do everyone's dirty laundry. Fold & iron what needs to be ironed. And put them where they go. Then go outside & pick up all the trash. Clean the oil spots on the driveway. Wash her boyfriend's car. As well as hers when she gets home. And lastly, clean the siding on the house. I have not had a break. I have not eaten. I have not drunken anything. My body hurts so bad. My stomach is growling so loud I'm sure my neighbors can hear it. I'm beyond sweaty. It's hot as fuck outside & I feel like I'm gonna pass out. Her boyfriend sits on the porch & watch me as I clean his car. He creeps me out. I don't like Reggie. 

Reggie- I'm going inside to take a nap. All this better be done before your mother comes home.

He goes in & I roll my eyes & continue to clean his car. This is the worst punishment ever. I heard a car door shut & up walked Courtney. I continued to wipe his car down while she talks to me.

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