Chapter 22: Odd Movie Date Part 2

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I'm getting ready for the movies tonight with Tyler. I don't think I should just leave Jermaine here alone with my mom & Jasmine. But whatever. Jermaine is not happy about it either.

Jermaine- So why are you going with this nigga?

Raiyn- So we can catch up.

Jermaine- What do you need to catch up with your ex for?

Raiyn- We were very close & we were also friends too, Jermaine.

Jermaine- Yeah who did the nasty together. I don't want you going with him.

Raiyn- I'm going okay. I'll be back don't worry.

Jermaine- Should I worry?

Raiyn- I'm the one that should be worrying not you. Because I know how you like to flirt.

Jermaine- It's what I do. But I don't cheat.

Raiyn- We aren't technically together. So it doesn't count.

Jermaine- Whatever. I'll just chill here. Go have fun. But you need to change out that dress.

Raiyn- For what?

Jermaine- It's showing too much of them curves.

Raiyn- Jermaine go somewhere, please!

Jermaine- (throws up his hands) Alright alright!

I finished getting ready. I was putting on my sandals when I got a text from Tyler.

Tyler: Out front

Raiyn: Mkay

Tyler: What the fuck is a "mkay"? I never got that shit

Raiyn: Don't worry about it. I'm coming

Raiyn- Jermaine I'm leaving!

Jermaine- Alright. Spin around.

I spun around. And posed.

Jermaine- Beautiful. Have fun. Don't do anything I wouldn't.

Raiyn- Bye Jermaine!

I went downstairs & said goodbye to my mom & Jasmine. And I left out. I saw Tyler's grandmother's car in my driveway. I got in.

Tyler- She let me use it for tonight.

Raiyn- I see.

Tyler- Ready?

Raiyn- Yeah let's go.

Tyler- You gotta put on your seat belt on first.

I rolled my eyes & buckled myself in & we were off to the movies. 

Tyler- Do want some candy or anything?

Raiyn- No. Popcorn is fine.

Tyler- Alrighty.

He got us some popcorn & some slushies & we went into one of the movie theaters. We are seeing some thriller movie. Of course, we sat in the very back, right under the projector. The movie began & I was eating the popcorn watching it. I could sense Tyler looking at me. It was just like the first time we met. But this time I wasn't as uncomfortable. 

Tyler- So Raiyn...

Raiyn- Yeah?

Tyler- I really missed you.

Raiyn- I'm sure you did.

Tyler- No like really. Shit hasn't been the same since you've been gone.

Raiyn- Like?

Tyler- After you left, Earl was gone. It sucked. Spencer & I didn't know what to do with ourselves. We had so much fun with the four us then suddenly it was gone. I don't like change like that. Like I seriously missed you. We did everything together.

Raiyn- I know Tyler. But you were the one that wanted to see other people. Not me.

Tyler- I made a mistake. If I could go back in time I would change that. I swear I would.

Raiyn- Of course, you would.

Tyler- Can you please give me another chance? I hate begging but I'll do it for you.

Raiyn- I don't know Tyler.

Tyler- Please? Just one more. Please? Please? Please? Please? Please?

Raiyn- Alright! Damn. But Jermaine can't know about it.

Tyler- (smiles) Fine with me. Let's leave. I'm not really into this movie anyway.

So we left. We walked in feet apart. But we walked out hand in hand. Just like old times. I had to admit, I missed him too. I didn't want to admit it. But fuck it. You could never forget your first. 


I took her to the skate park & let her ride on my board just like old times. She was so distant in the beginning of tonight but by the end of it, I ended up smashing that ass in the back seat of my grandma's car. Sorry, grandma...

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