Chapter 8: Flirt

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My mother forced me to go to the store with her. She bought every kind of food I hate. Looks like I'm going to be starving again. She wanted me to go & get her some pain killers & some body wash & some feminine products. So I went to the front of the store & grabbed a basket & went to the medicine aisle. I grabbed three boxes of Advil then went to the shampoo, deodorant, body wash aisle. Got some body wash & some deodorant for she & I. Then off to the feminine products. I got those then started walking back to the food section where my mom is. I looked down one aisle & saw Tyler & an elderly woman in the makeup aisle. She looked like she was deciding between concealers or foundations. Tyler was rolling his eyes looking ready to move on. 

Tyler- Can you just get them both so we can go?

TG- I don't have enough money for both.

Tyler- I'll buy them for you. Now can we go?

TG- Well since you said that let's go (laughs) 

They started coming my way & I started to walk back to my mom. I heard them talking behind me.

Tyler- I'm gonna go get some cereal & all that.

TG- Alright just meet me in the front.

Tyler- Alright.

I pretended I didn't hear them & kept going. Tyler walked ahead of me then looked off into the boy's section of the store. Then he looked back and he looked at me.

Tyler- (stopping & turning around) I'm starting to think you're stalking me.

Raiyn- How so?

Tyler- Everywhere I go you're there.

Raiyn- It happens.

Tyler- What are you doing here?

Raiyn- With my mom. You?

Tyler- Grandma.

Raiyn- Oh okay...

Tyler- This is going to sound crazy. But what is your name again?

Raiyn- Raiyn. With a "y".

Tyler- Right. I'm sorry. I'm not good with names. 

Raiyn- It's fine.

Tyler- I'm Tyler with a "y" (smiles)

Raiyn- Yeah I know.

Tyler- You're better than me at this I see (laughs)

Raiyn- (laughs) Something like that.

Tyler- Wow I got her to laugh!

I laughed some more & covered my mouth. I hate my smile.

Tyler- Well it's good talking to you.

Raiyn- Same here.

Tyler- If you want to talk to me just let me know. You don't have to be shy you know. You have a nice smile by the way. Well, I have to go. See you around.

Raiyn- Bye...

He walked away from me & I went to go find my mom. I found her in the bread aisle. 

RM- What took you so long? Got lost in the body wash or something? (laughs)

Raiyn- I was picking out different scents so we wouldn't be using the same kind.

RM- I see. Well, let's go check out.

We went to the checkout lanes. I looked around & saw Tyler & his grandma in one a few lines over. He looked at me & smiled then helped his grandma. 

RM- Who are you looking at?

Raiyn- No one.

RM- (looks her up & down) Mm-hmm.

We checked out & went to the car. I unloaded the cart then went to put the cart where the others were. I turned around & saw Tyler there.

Tyler- Beep Beep!

Raiyn- Okay I'm getting out your way.

Tyler- Good because I was about to run you over (laughs)

Raiyn- Yeah whatever.

Tyler- See you Monday at school.

Raiyn- See you there.

I ran off to my mom's car & got in.

RM- Who's that boy?

Raiyn- A guy from my school.

RM- Oh okay.

We pulled off. We made it home & we unloaded the car & I went upstairs into my room as my mom put everything away. I laid across my bed. I have nothing to do now. I heard a knock at my door. I rolled over & saw my mom.

RM- So I've been thinking. You've been good for these past couple weeks. And I decided to give you your stuff back.

Raiyn- Yay!

RM- No more coming home at 3 am okay?

Raiyn- Okay.

RM- Now come help me move your stuff back in your room.

I got up & went to help her. Within a few minutes, I got everything back. And she removed the lock on my phone. I'm more than happy. I text Courtney for a while. Tomorrow we are going out to breakfast together. The next day, just as planned we go & get breakfast. My mom was cool with it. We went to a diner that she loves going to with Hodgy. We sat down, ordered our food & waited.

Raiyn- So how has everything been?

Courtney- Pretty good. Hodgy is excited for the baby. My parents weren't mad like I thought they would be.

Raiyn- That's great. I'm no longer on punishment.

Courtney- I see. I'm happy to see you off.

The waiter brought our food & we ate. I left the tip on the table & we got ready to go. I noticed Courtney looking behind me.

Raiyn- What are you looking at?

Courtney- Turn around & tell me if that looks like Tyler to you.

I turned around & looked behind me. I saw Tyler chatting up with some girl while holding her hands. He was smiling & laughing. 

Courtney- Maybe it was a good thing you weren't into Tyler.

We got up.

Courtney- Let's go say hi & then we can leave.

We went up to them. Tyler looked at us & smiled.

Tyler- Hey girls.

Courtney- Hey Tyler. Aren't you going to introduce us?

Tyler- Right. Milan this is Courtney & Raiyn. Courtney & Raiyn this is my girlfriend, Milan.

Courtney- Hello.

Milan- Hello.

Courtney- Well we should be going. Let's go Raiyn.

Raiyn- See you guys later.

Milan- Bye.

I followed behind Courtney & she drove me home. I can't believe he has a girlfriend.


I saw Courtney & Raiyn get in her car & pull out the parking lot & drive off. 

Milan- They seem like nice girls.

Tyler- They are.

Milan- Where you know them from?

Tyler- School. One of them is with my friend Hodgy.

Milan- Like his girlfriend?

Tyler- Yeah.

Milan- And the other one.

Tyler- Just a friend.

Milan- Oh okay. Good for them (smiles & grabs his hands) So you were saying?

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