Chapter 15: Prom Night

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Tonight is Prom night. Everyone is getting fresh cuts & polishing their shoes & making sure they look great & shit. Well, I'm just sitting here watching movies on TV. Thinking about going skating. Should I go get ready too? Who am I kidding? I just got turned down by the most popular girl in school & I'm sure everyone knows. I don't even want to see her in that stupid dress, with that stupid hair, looking stupid with that stupid guy. Stupids. I rather stay home or hang out with Jasper & Earl. I hope Raiyn wins. I wonder what she's wearing tonight.


My mom is all in my face with this damn camera. She still can't believe I'm going to Prom by myself but I am. My bruises on my upper body are barely even noticeable. And that's a good thing because my dress is an open back dress. It's a good thing I got another long dress. The bruises on my legs are still kinda bad. Yes, I'm wearing another gold dress. I love the color gold. My mom did my hair giving me big curls at the ends of my hair & its all pulled to my right side. Gold chandelier earrings, a gold plate necklace & my gold rings I always wear are all my accessories. I love my clutch. It has a chain attached to it so if I don't feel like carrying it in my hands I can just wear it on my shoulder. My shoes are gold as well. Not too high, not too low. I feel like a million bucks. After a two-hour long photo shoot with my mom, she took me to school. Time to kill these bitches. I'm definitely feeling myself. When I got there I looked around for Tyler. He was nowhere to be seen. So I pulled out my phone & text him.

Raiyn: Are you coming tonight?

Tyler: Nah

Raiyn: Why not?

Tyler: You know why

Raiyn: So you are gonna let that get in your way of having fun?

Tyler: Yep

Raiyn: You suck. But have fun with whatever you're doing

Tyler: I will. You do the same

Tyler sucks. He shouldn't let Sarah turning him down kill prom for him. But I was having fun. I was getting lots of compliments. Even Jeremy winked at me. I'm not such a lame now am I? I danced a little. Joined other unpopulars & did a group dance. It was fun. Then it came time to announce who won Prom King & Queen.

AP- Alright students gather around! It's time to announce Prom Queen & King! May I have all candidates come to the stage?

I walked up on stage & stood next to Anthony.

Anthony- Yo Raiyn you look amazing tonight!

Raiyn- Thank you.

Anthony- I voted for you by the way. I hope you win. Maybe we can dance together later?

Raiyn- Thanks. I did the same for you & possibly...

Now he was starting to creep me out a little. Jeremy & Sarah stood next to each other of course. 

AP- We have tallied up the votes. We counted five times to make sure we got the same amount of votes. Now, are you ready to find out who your Prom King & Queen are?

Everyone cheered. I'm getting nervous.

AP- If you forgot. The candidates are Sarah Stevens & Raiyn Goodwill for Queen! And Jeremy Justice & Anthony Brown for King! Give them a hand!

Everyone cheered again. Can we just get this over now?

AP- Prom King goes to... Jeremy "JJ" Justice!

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