Chapter 32: Return

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I woke up & my ribs were screaming at me. I blinked a few times & looked around. I was in the hospital. I looked around & saw Sarah, Left's girl, sitting in a chair looking at her phone. Left was knocked out next to her as well as Hodgy. She looked up & smiled at me.

Sarah- Well good afternoon Mr. Sleepy Face.

Tyler- How long have I been here?

Sarah- A couple of days (shakes Left) Wake up. He's awake.

Left groaned then yawned & looked at me.

Left Brain- You're stupid you know that?

Tyler- Hello to you too.

Left- Hodgy told you not to go.

Tyler- I didn't know it was a setup.

Left- It's cool. I hope you learned your lesson.

Hodgy started snoring loud as fuck.

Left- (hitting Hodgy) Wake up nigga!

Hodgy snorted then woke up. It was funny as hell. 

Hodgy- What's going on?

Sarah- He's awake.

Hodgy- I'm so disappointed in you niggy. Every since Raiyn dipped out on you, you've been acting crazy.

Tyler- I dipped on her.

Hodgy- Same difference.

Sarah- Maybe you should talk to her.

Tyler- I don't want to talk to her.

Left- Because she's getting married?

Tyler- Yeah. She's busy.

Hodgy- (shakes his head) This nigga...

Left- Come on y'all we gotta go.

Left & Hodgy left out. Sarah walked up to me.

Sarah- You should really talk to her. She could really use you right now.

Tyler- Why you say that?

Sarah- (sighs) I'm not supposed to tell you but... it's Reggie.

Tyler- What about him?

Sarah- He's back & mad as hell.

Tyler- I'm not about to fight her battles.

Sarah- Not even for her mom?

Tyler- What's wrong with her mom?

Sarah- Apparently she didn't show up to work today and Raiyn hasn't talked to her in a few days. You know how Raiyn's mom is.

Tyler- Yeah I do.

Sarah- Talk to her. Get better.

She walked out too. What the hell is going on?


My mom hasn't called me. And she didn't show up to work today. That is rather odd. She did say she was talking to Reggie again to get on better terms. Maybe it's not bad at all. Maybe they just ran away to be nasty. I felt my phone vibrating. Maybe that's her now. I looked & it was Tyler. What does he want?

Raiyn- Hello?

Tyler- Is your mom okay?

Raiyn- I don't know. Probably.

Tyler- Oh well let me know.

Raiyn- Why?

Tyler- Because she was nice to me.

Raiyn- Yeah okay.

Tyler- Bye (hangs up)

That was the quickest conversation I ever had with Tyler. Weird too. Trenton started crying in the other room. I went & got him & went to the kitchen to make him another bottle.

Raiyn- Are you hungry Trenton?

He smiled at me. I guess so. I heated up the bottle & went into the living room so we could go watch TV. I looked up from Trenton & saw a man standing looking at Hodgy's & Courtney's table of pictures.

Raiyn- Who are you?

He turned around. It was Reggie.

Reggie- I missed my best friend!

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