Chapter 2: Odd Movie Date

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Tonight I'm going to the movies with Court, Hodgy, & some random guy. I'm nervous about this "date". I met Hodgy only once. I don't really know what he's like nor this guy he is bringing with him. 

Courtney didn't come to school today, so I am left by myself and venerable. It's lunchtime now, I didn't want to walk around school alone so I went to the library to get caught up on some work. I sat all the way in the back by the windows, back behind the bookshelves so no one can see me. I heard some floorboards creaking in front of me. I waited for whoever it was to come out. But no one ever did. 

Now I think my brain is playing jokes on me. The bell rang & I got up & started putting my things in my bag. I walked to the front & I saw the same guy who's been creeping on me staring right back at me when I looked down the aisle. I got freaked out a little and walked faster. Why is he creeping on me? 

I head to my anatomy class. I love anatomy. It's pretty cool. It's my highest grade. I do my packet alone. I usually do anatomy work with Court but, she isn't here. I turn in all my missing work then head to my next class. Did a whole bunch of nothing in that class. Time to go home. 

I get on the bus & start listening to "From Under The Cork Tree". A pretty good album by Fall Out Boy. I drift off into my own little world. While walking home I feel my phone vibrate. A text from Courtney.

Courtney: Movies tonight. Still coming?

Raiyn: Sadly :/

Courtney: I'll come pick you up at 5:30. BE READY!

Raiyn: Mkay

I made it home. Oh geez. What am I getting myself into? I went into my room & flopped on my bed. I don't even know this guy or Hodgy really. I just hope this isn't as terrible as I'm thinking. I heard the front door open. My mother is home. I see her face pop up by my door.

RM- Hey Rai Rai.

Raiyn- Hey mother.

RM- What are you in deep thought about?

Raiyn- Courtney wants me to go to the movies with her.

RM- Who's paying? Because I'm sure as hell not. 

Raiyn- She is mom...

RM- How long are you staying at Courtney's?

Raiyn- Til Sunday?

RM- Good with me. I'm tired of seeing your ass here all the time anyway. Just be ready when she gets here.

She went off to her room. Well then. That's my mother. I decided to look for clothes to wear this weekend. It's going to be pretty nice out so I'll wear my leggings & jogging pants all weekend. I'll let Court pick my outfit for tonight. Knowing her she's gonna make me get ready at her house. 

Court texted me telling me she was on her way over. I instantly got nervous. What if this guy doesn't like me? What if I fall again? What if I say something retarded? What if... Oh, who am I kidding? He would never like me. No one ever does. 

They just gas me up only to leave me high & dry to plummet into my own sadness. That's exactly what happened in my last "relationship". I promised myself, from then on, I would go no farther than "friend zone" until I meet someone worth leaving it. I heard a knock on my door. I looked up & saw Courtney.

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