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Jimin's P.O.V.

I'm at "J-hope's Studio" waiting with Hoseok for Yoongi arrive. He's just a few minutes late so I and Hoseok are just talking.

"So..." Hoseok asks.

"So what?" I answer.

"How are things between you and Yoongi?" He wiggles his eyebrows while asking.

"Wh-what do you mean hyung?" I ask while trying to hide my blushing with the sleeves of my oversized hoodie.

"Oh c'mon Jimin I see the way you've been looking at Yoongi these past days." He tells me.

"Hyung I don't know what you're talking about." I lie.

"Do you like him?" He blatantly states.

I feel my cheeks heating up and not because of it being a bit hot in the practice room.

"Well, I'm not completely sure yet. I mean, ma-"

"Sorry, I'm late." We hear a voice say as the door opens.

"It's cool," Hoseok tells Yoongi "so, how is the song coming along?"

"Its actually doing pretty well. I'm doing a bit of a mix to it. I'm working on a beat that will have parts for piano that I'll be playing. That way it won't just be a normal song." Yoongi smiles with a beautiful gummy smile.

I love how he talks about music. Like it's just a second nature to him and how he knows it like it's the back of his hand. The way he's so passionate about it.

I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't notice how much I was staring.

"Jimin-ah? Are you okay?" Hoseok asks.

"Y-yeah I'm al-alright," I assure him.

"Okay, let's start then." Hoseok smiles and I can practically feel the heat and see the light radiating from it.

I really envy Hobi. He seems so cheerful and happy all the time, but the times when he isn't feeling okay, he actually talks about them.

Dance practice starts and Yoongi goes to his regular spot, on the couch while on his laptop and looking up occasionally.

When he looks up, I stare right back him, maybe adding a small smirk here and there just waiting to see his smooth, pale cheeks redden up.

It's a really beautiful sight to see.


"So what're you guys doing later?" Hoseok asks while finishing up.

"Actually, Jimin and I are going to go out for a while to get to know each other more," Yoongi tells him.

"O-Oh! Okay" Hoseok smiles widely and winks at me when Yoongi isn't looking.

"Well, bye guys have fun Jiminie," Hoseok whispers the last part especially.

He leaves out and Yoongi turns to me picking up his bag, " what was that all about?" He laughs.

I awkwardly laugh back and hide my blush, "Nothing. Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah let's." He responds and we leave out.

We end up at a cafe that Yoongi says one of his good friends work. He says his name is Seokjin.

We sit down in a small booth and I just don't know what to order.

"Yoongi hyung, what do you think I should get? I can't decide." I tell him.

He chuckles and responds, "I'll get us some coffee cake. Jin makes the best."

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