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Jimin was planning a date for him and Yoongi. The two were with each other all the time, except when they went off alone with their own friends. But Jimin wanted something different.

He really enjoyed the stay-at-home dates they had. Only the two of them with snacks and movies, cuddled together and sharing lazy kisses. Jimin was all for that, but he felt there was a need of change.

He planned on going bowling to step out of their usual relaxation days, so when Yoongi came home from the studio, Jimin was immediately pushing him right back out of the door with no words said.

"Hey! I wanted to nap~" The older whined.

Jimin chuckled and opened the door for Yoongi and entered on the driver's side.

"Ah, hush. We're going out tonight." Jimin said as he pecked Yoongi's lips and started to drive off.

Yoongi pouted, attempting to be upset, but smirking nonetheless. He placed his hand over Jimin's on the middle console and sighed in contentment.

No matter how much he planned out his future, being with a boy never really crossed Yoongi's mind.

Yeah, sure he knew he was into guys just as much - and probably more than girls, but he had never thought of actually being with one.

Yet here we was, with the most perfect boyfriend he could ever dream of, who he loved unconditionally and imagined spending the rest of his life with.

Yoongi was actually in love, and he couldn't be happier.


They entered the bowling alley at a perfect time, only the couple and two other families there.

It was neither noisy or quiet, so the boys were thankful for that, wanting to enjoy themselves and have a nice night together.

They finally got their shoes and picked a lane after a good five minutes of debate on who was going to pay.

Yoongi immediately took out his card, ready to pay, rambling on and on because apparently, he was 'the man in this relationship', but Jimin rolled his eyes and quickly swiped his own before the older could protest anymore.

"You know, I would like to do nice things for you too hyung." Jimin said as he typed their names on the screens.

Yoongi laughed as he finished tying his shoes. "It's just instinct I guess."

Jimin smiles and kisses Yoongi before holding up his bowling ball. "Aww, thanks hyung."

"You're cute and all, but you're going to lose." Yoongi responded and picked up his own ball. "Let's knock down some pins, yeah?"


"No fair!" Yoongi whined. "There's no way you could've beat me 5 to 2."

Jimin giggled and patted Yoongi's back. "It's okay, you just have to admit that I'm better at bowling than you are."

Yoongi huffed and crossed his arms. "It wasn't my fault the lane was slippery."

Before the couple got their shoes, a worker informed them that the lanes had just been oiled. Unfortunately, Yoongi wasn't paying any attention and slipped down the lane along with his bowling ball.

"HaAhHHa~Y-You looked s-so cute when you were sliding. I-It was so funny hyung, I even managed to get a video!"

Yoongi shot daggers into Jimin's skin. "Don't ever speak of it!" He growled lowly.

But who could take him seriously,  when his mad face was so cute? His nose scrunched up and he pouted for the third time that day.

"I-I'm sorry hyung, I just had to."

Jimin pecked Yoongi on the lips and the older couldn't help but return it, a smile plastered on his face the whole way to the restaurant.

They ordered their food and of course, Jimin paid. The rest of their dinner consisted of light conversation, stealing each other's food, and cute little kisses.

Once they were leaving, Yoongi bought Jimin a small cake as a thank you for the date, which he enjoyed very much.

Jimin held Yoongi's hand - the cake in the other - as they got ready to cross the street to reach the car.

"Jimin-ah, do you want me to hold it?" Yoongi asked as he watched the cake wobble in Jimin's small hands.

"No no hyung, I've gooooooot..........GOT IT!"

His bright smile was the last thing Yoongi saw before Jimin's body collapsed.

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