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3rd Person P.O.V.

"Excuse me? Mr. Min?" A little girl with big brown eyes pulls on Yoongi's shirt.

"Yes?" Yoongi responds and crouched on level to the little girl.

"W-why aren't you dancing with Mr.Jung and Park?" She asks tilting her head slightly looking extremely adorable.

Yoongi chuckles a bit and pats the girl's back. "I'm not as good as them, but the song that's playing? I made that." He tells her and her eyes widen.

"Really?" She almost squeals. "That's so cool!"

"Yes it is. Now run to your friends, I'm going to go talk to Mr.Jung and Mr.Park okay?"

"Okay!" She waves and skips off.

Yoongi joins Jimin and Hoseok in the lounge area of the studio.

"Awe that was cute!" Jimin coos. "I thought kids didn't like you hyung."

"Yeah, but little Ara likes him." Hoseok laughs and winks.

"Hoseok you're disgusting, she's six."

"Which makes it cute." Hoseok says and Jimin hums in agreement.

"Okay, it is adorable. Now where's the food, I'm hungry." Yoongi asks now spread out across Jimin on the couch while rubbing his stomach.

"Yoongi! Get off you're heavy." Jimin struggles to get him off, but successfully pushes him off after 3 tries.

"Ow shit!" Yoongi grunts and rolls on to his side. "My back hurts..." He trails off and Hoseok is almost on the floor with him by how hard he's laughing.

"Come on, let's finish up and go out to dinner." Jimin jumps and Hoseok follows still laughing. Poor Yoongi is still on the floor and slowly sits up after a few minutes.

When he re-enter the practice room, only a few kids are left, waiting to be signed out by their parents.

Yoongi begins to help and is left with the last kid. The little boy that is with Yoongi runs up to his mom and she picks him up. She smiles and signs the paper, thanking Yoongi. "Goodbye Mr.Min!" The boy waves and Yoongi waves back.

The trio headed off to a Korean BBQ place and was sat in a booth. A waiter made her way over to them and took their orders. As she took their menus, she slipped Yoongi a small piece of paper and winked at him.

"Woah Yoongs, is that her number?" Hoseok asks as he leans over the table to take a peek. Yoongi snatches the paper away from him and crumbles up the paper.

"She sure was pretty Yoongs." Hoseok says and shakes his head, clicking his tongue, "if you won't, I'll take her number then." He says and smiles.

"Really Hoseok," Yoongi stares at him in disbelief. "I just ended things with Ji Seo. I'm not interested."

Jimin frowns a bit, but smiles nonetheless understanding how Yoongi feels.

Their food arrives with a different waitress this time and they dig in, being so hungry from practice earlier. Small moans and groans leave their mouths at the delicious food.

"This is almost better than Jin hyung's cooking." Yoongi says.

"You better be lucky we're friends or I would've told him you said that," Hoseok says. "Oh! And that reminds me, Jin's throwing a party this Saturday. He wanted me to remind you and you too Jimin."

"Really?" Jimin asks in disbelief.

"Yeah, why not? Jin hyung loves you. You're one of his kids now. And once you Jim-in, you can't Jim-out." Hoseok jokes and no one laughs except for him.

"Hoseok that was so lame. But, yeah Jimin you're coming to the party." Yoongi tells him and the boy nods.

"Can I invite Kookie and Tae too?" Jimin asks - more like asks Yoongi since he has already met them before.

"Sure! But why would you bring cookies and tea? It's not a tea party." Hoseok asks confused.

"No you dingy! Jungkook and Taehyung. They're Jimin's weird friends." Yoongi tells him and Hoseok let's out an 'oh' with a chuckle.

They finish eating and head home. Well, Hoseok goes to his home and Yoongi decides to spend the night at Jimin's place.

"What about Ji Seo?" Jimin asks on the ride.

"What about her?" Yoongi asks back.

"Well she does still live next to me." Jimin tells him and Yoongi hums in response.

"Yup, I'm aware of that."

"Oh, Okay."

"Hey, that reminds me..." Yoongi scrunches his eyebrows together. "What did Ji Seo say to you yesterday that had you all flustered?"

Jimin blushed a bit and tryed to cover his face with his hands.

"Awe, your hands are so smol." Yoongi laughs and Jimin blushes even more.

"I was going to tell you but now I changed my mind." Jimin says and sticks his tongue out.

"Okay okay! I'm sorry. Can you tell me now?" Yoongi asks as he pulls into the driveway.

Jimin gets exits and pulls out his keys. "That's for me to know, and you to find out." Jimin says and drops on the couch.

Yoongi sighs and lays on top of Jimin for the second time today.

"Yoongi I swear if you don't get off me. I won't hesitate to push you off again." Jimin threatens.

"Yeah okay! You owe me a back rub for that too. My back hurts like hell. I didn't land right." Yoongi whines and Jimin shakes his head and laughs.

"I'm sorry hyung, but you were heavy." Jimin apologizes.

"So how are things between Junglecock and the weird one?" Yoongi asks and Jimin snorts at the foolish nickname.

"It's Jeongguk. And Tae isn't weird. He's just... different, but he's really smart and helpful when you need him. And they're fine I guess? They haven't made things official but it's they have an understanding with each other."

Yoongi nods and Jimin smiles. He's happy his best friends aren't so oblivious to each other anymore. They literally couldn't tell they had feelings for each other for so long?

"So you wanna watch a movie?" Jimin asks.

"Sure! Scary, funny, or action movie?"

"Hmm. A funny movie you can pick down there and I'll go make popcorn."

Jimin returns with the popcorn and sits it on the table while he goes to grab a blanket. Yoongi puts the movie and Jimin returns. He pulls the blanket that's big enough to cover them both and pulls the bowl in between them.

Halfway through the movie, the empty bowls sits on the coffee table. Jimin had scooted closer to Yoongi sometime after the popcorn was finished and Yoongi wrapped his arm around his waist to get into a more comfortable position.

They both nod off, cuddled together as the older runs his fingers through the soft pink locks on top Jimin's head.


a/n: don't forget to vote and comment✨

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