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3rd Person P.O.V.

"I dare you to make out with anyone of your choice!"

That was the sentence that kept replaying in Yoongi's mind.

He was shocked at the dare, mouth agape, and eyes slightly bigger.

He looked at Hoseok who had a smirk on his face and winked before mouthing 'thank me later' and a 'choose wisely.'

Yoongi silently gulped and looked around the room.

He first looked at Jin and he looked as if he was going to explode with laughter. His eyes and face were already flushed from alcohol.

Jungkook wore a sly smirk and bit his tongue, waiting in anticipation for some action as he sipped his drink.

Namjoon also had a smug look on his face, his dimples on full display as he grinned from ear to ear.

He then looked to Taehyung who was drunkenly laughing and making pointer fingers at his best friend on the right side of him.

Lastly, Yoongi's eyes landed on Jimin. He had his face hidden behind his smol fingers. Yoongi could also tell that Jimin was blushing like crazy, his cheeks deep red out of embarrassment from his best friend.

"Okay." Yoongi said as he stood up and kneeled down once he was in front of Jimin.

He took hold of Jimin's hands and removed them from his face, revealing a close-eyed, crimson faced Jimin.

"Jiminie..." Yoongi whispered.

The said male looked up and stared Yoongi in the eyes.

"Is it okay?" Yoongi asked, referring to the dare Hoseok gave him.

Although they would often hug, hold hands, it even cuddle, Jimin and Yoongi hadn't shared another kiss since the one in the park.

Jimin let out a shaky breath and nodded, giving Yoongi permission.

Yoongi gave Jimin a reassuring smirk and closed his eyes. Both men leaned in closer, their breath on each other's lips, until Jimin closes the gap between them.



"My ship has sailed yet again!"

The group whistled and clapped for the two. Jin was now seated Namjoon's lap crying, maybe he had a bit too much to drink.

Taehyung and Hoseok were recording and laughing their asses off. Jungkook just smiled the entire time.

About ten seconds into the kiss, Yoongi had pulled Jimin onto his lap. Jimin wrapped his legs around Yoongi's waist, straddling the older male while Yoongi's hands were on the small of Jimin's back.

Yoongi placed one hand on Jimin's cheek, his thumb going across the smooth skin as he used his tongue to swipe over Jimin's lip, asking for entrance.

Jimin complied and their tongues met, twirling and dancing as they fought for dominance that Yoongi soon won over.

The black haired male explored all of Jimin's wet cavern, tasting every corner of the younger boy's mouth.

The kiss had only deepened, but was not at all messy or sloppy. In fact, it was the exact opposite, slow and gentle.

The group were cheering them on and had been very well entertained by the show that was put on for them.


Well...up until Jimin released a moan when he unexpectedly grinded down onto Yoongi's crotch.

Jimin's face immediately heated up, and Yoongi pecked Jimin once more before laughing at him.

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