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"Hey Kiddos!" An enthusiastic Hoseok shouted. "Are you guys ready for today?"

The kids laughed at his energy and all responded with an equal amount of "yes!"

"Great! So we bought you guys here to the venue where the performance will be held. Mr. Min, Park and I need you all to be on your best behavior and practice well, okay?"

"Yes sir!"

"Alright!" Hoseok laughed at their excitement and led them inside to the large auditorium.

"Wow! This place is hugeee." A little boy, Chanyoung said.

Jimin cooed at him and ruffled his hair. "It is, isn't it? That means you guys get more room to practice."

"Yup. It'll also be a help to get a feeling of the stage and the attention you'll receive, beforehand." Yoongi added.

All of the kids nodded.

"O-kay." Hoseok clapped. "We have only two weeks left to get these dances down packed, so lets get started."


They were halfway into the second dance, when the kids began to slack. Hoseok noticed this and stopped for a long needed break.

They had been practicing for about two hours now, as Hoseok wanted them to have enough stamina to be able to have one full practice without stopping or having any mistakes.

The kids were doing an amazing job considering there were only about five oldest kids who were twelve, and the 20+ others ranging from ten to five years.

Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jimin were all very proud of them for being able to keep up and stay committed since the beginning.

"Break time, guys. Go grab a snack, get some water and rest for a bit." Jimin instructed.

Everyone immediately cheered and ran to the snack table before practically throwing themselves onto the chairs and sprawling all over the stage.

Yoongi smiled at them. He honestly loved working with the children, especially when they warned up to him and would ask him questions and diverse into conversations with him instead of asking Jimin or Hoseok questions like, 'Does Mr. Min get any rest?' 'Is he mean or does he just look like that?' and even, 'Is he a vampire?' Apparently the last one was asked by the younger kids.

"They'll do great." Yoongi said as he sat down in on of the chairs. Jimin got up and sat in his lap right after, giving him more than just a peck on the lips.

Hoseok made a stank face. "Eww, there are kids here, you know?"

Jimin laughed and patted Hoseok's back, "No worries, those kids are the most open-minded bunch I have ever seen."

Yoongi smiled when he saw the kids starting to practice by themselves. He let out a contented sigh. "Ah, I remember when I was their age and had the same amount of passion for music."

"Yeah, those kids sure are hard workers. They have this competition in the bag!" Jimin cheered.

Hoseok nodded and hummed in agreement as he continued to observe the children run through their routine.


a/n: hey guys! sorry for the long wait. ik this shorter chapter doesn't really make up for it, but i just couldn't really focus on this chapter in particular.

i was also distracted by the new ff i'm writing and i guess i'm pretty excited for it.

ofc, its yoonmin, and i've really been wanting to do a hundred gf, so jimin is a hybrid ^•^

thank you guys so much for 1.44k on my birthday! my goal was to reach only 1k, but you guys surpassed that so i'm happy about that 💓

okay, tysm again and if you haven't read the last chapter yet, go reread it because I had to rewrite the taekook smut, so it's so much better and improved now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

bye guys, thanks for the birthday present, and if you haven't already, please make sure to vote and comment!✨

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