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3rd Person P.O.V.

"Yoongi? What're you doing here so late?"

Yoongi was now standing at in front of a half naked Jin, clearly interrupting something.

"Sorry for being a cock block. Literally." Yoongi says barely holding in his laughs which results in a slap from Jin.

"Ow! what was that for?"

"For being a cock block and laughing because of it! Come in, Holly."

"Hey! You shouldn't treat your child like this."

"Holly is my child, you are Holly's owner. Now, why exactly are you here?"

"I need somewhere to stay for now."

"And why is that? You have your own house with a beautiful girlfriend why aren't you there instead of here disturbing my prescious time with my boyfriend!" Jin practically scolds and Yoongi holds his hand over his chest.

"I'll explain everything okay?" And that's exactly what he did. He told Jin everything from meeting with Jimin.

Hearing about their kiss had Jin extremely happy, especially how Yoongi's eyes lit up whenever he talked about Jimin. However, when he was told that Yoongi caught Ji Seo in the act, Jin was tempted not to grab a knife from the block atop the kitchen island.

Namjoon had also came out - to see what was taking Jin so long and who was at the door - and ended up having to calm Jin down during Yoongi's explanation.

"Well go ahead and sleep in the guest room." Jin says while yawning.

Yoongi widely smiled, and called out, "Goodnight, thanks eomma Jin."

"Goodnight cockblocker!" Namjoon sang out.

Later that day, Yoongi was now playing the song that he worked so hard on for Jimin and Hoseok. Yoongi felt relieved that he had finally got the song done despite being busy over the past few weeks.

Hoseok was practically exploding from his cheerfulness. Needless to say, he was immensely pleased at the outcome of the song. Now, came the hard part,



Yup, they were producing a choreography for kids all along. This was going to be a real experience for all of them.

"W-wait! I thought only you two were going to perform to this. Where did kids come into this?" Asks a panicking Yoongi. He can't help but to feel betrayed. To keep it short, Yoongi isn't a number one fan to kids.

"Yup! Isn't it great hyung. We get to have fun with these little ones!" And Yoongi nearly loses it when almost thirty kids start to engulf the three adults in a hug.

Jimin just loves the idea of teaching kids. He absolutely adores them.

Hoseok sees Yoongi being sucked into a black hole of children and calls out, "Alright kids! Let's begin!"

The kids then all gather in front of the three elders, neatly in rows, the youngest ones being in front.

Hoseok claps his hands and starts the introductions.

"Okay kiddos, I am Mr.Jung, this is Mr.Park, and this is Mr.Min," he says as he points to the said men, "The three of us will be your new instructors. Now, we only have two months to get the dances down packed, so are you guys ready?" Hoseok shouts and the kids return a 'yes' with equal enthusiasm.

The practicing begins and Yoongi stands back as he watches how Hoseok and Jimin work with the kids.

He sees how the two males help and attend to the kids so easily like its their second nature or something. Yoongi has never been so lucky with kids so he really envies them right now.

A few hours later and the last of the kids are leaving. Hoseok thanks the remaining kids and parents for coming and walks up to Yoongi.

"So how'd you like our suprise?"

"Hoseok you know kids hate me. Why didn't you tell me about them?"

Hoseok only laughs at Yoongi and the face he makes only makes it worse.

"Woah Hobi. You're red right now what's so funny?" Jimin asks beginning to laugh himself.

"Kids don't really take a liking to Yoongi so now he's all dumbfounded and look at his face. He's so shocked!" And Hoseok is now rolling all over the floor.

"Really hyung? You don't like kids?"

"I like you and you act like a kid yourself." Yoongi smirks at Jimin's sudden blush and continues, "Anyways, yes I like kids a lot. They just don't like me."

Hoseok now stands in front of Yoongi once again, leaning on Jimin still trying to control his laughter.

"It's not funny okay?" Yoongi says getting angrier by the second.

"Maybe it's because you have a resting bitch face," Hoseok giggles, "Or-Or maybe it's because y-you're so pale."

"Okay I thinks that's enough Hobi hyung. He's turning red," Jimin pats Yoongi's shoulder and continues, "Don't worry about it too much. Just interact with them more than you did today and they'll start to warm up to you."

Yoongi nods his head and gathers his stuff.

"Hey Yoongi, want to go walk for a bit?" Jimin asks and Yoongi agrees.

The two arrive at a park after a few minutes and sit at one of the few benches. There aren't many people around considering the late evening, so the pair sit in a comfortable silence.

"Haven't seen you in almost a week." Jimin speaks interrupts the quietness.

"Yeah, I've been at Jin's house, the one from the cafe." Yoongi responds.

"Oh, so you must've told Jim Seo that you caught her in the act?"

Yoongi nods. "I'm going to get my stuff with Jin later this week, you want to help?"

"Of course! I miss Jin to so why not?"

Yoongi scoffs. "Yeah, Jin misses you too. He refers to you as his child more than me. Even Holly and he's a dog!" Yoongi crosses his arms and juts his lip out.

"Awe! Look at you hyung you're so cute when you pout." Jimin says while flicking Yoongi's bottom lip back and forth.

"Ew you're finger's salty." Yoongi says and Jimin chuckles.

They enjoy the silence for a little more until Jimin gets up and checks the time.

"I better get going hyung. Jungkook and Tae might've flipped my house upside down."

"Okay," Yoongi grunts and stands with his arms out, "Hug?"

Jimin complies and hugs Yoongi but stops Yoongi pulls back.

"Goodnight kiss too?" Yoongi asks and puckers his lips.

Jimin nods and leans in close enough to where he can feel Yoongi's breath against his own lips.

He stops and stares into Yoongi's intense gaze, "Not until you officially break up with Ji Seo," he whispers and smiles, squishing Yoongi's cheeks together to look like a blow fish.

Yoongi only laughs and pulls Jimin closer for another hug.

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