M~ 33 ~M

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"We were robbed!" Jin cried aloud as he sunk into the warm embrace of his boyfriend.

Namjoon shook his head sadly and rubbed his back softly to comfort him.

"It'll be okay, Jinnie." he whispered and pecked Jin's temple. Namjoon may have seemed calmed on the outside, but on the inside, he was a complete mess.

He was overwhelmed, yet concerned not so much for the cafe, but for Jin.

The robbers really didn't have a chance to take anything because when Namjoon came in and Jin turned around, it took only one look at Namjoon's muscles and Jin's broad shoulders to send the running off.

However, they did manage to take Jin and Namjoon's coats which were right next to the door.

It wasn't much, so Namjoon didn't really understand why Jin was so upset, but he was just focused on making his boyfriend feel better.

"What all was taken?" Yoongi asked as he sipped from his coffee. The older had been sleeping and was woken up by the Namjin couple knocking on the door.

Namjoon responded for Jin who still had his face in his boyfriend's chest. "Just our coats and nothing else. We pretty much scared them off."

Yoongi looked confused and pointed towards Jin. Namjoon just humped his shoulders and continued to hold the older.


Eventually, Jin managed to cry himself to sleep as Yoongi and Namjoon caught up on some things and talked about the proposal.

The younger made the decision to wait until Jin was feeling better to propose and he was very anxious. He just couldn't get the idea of spending the rest of his life with Jin out of his mind and he long anticipated for the day.

When the couple left, Jimin almost immediately entered the living room, sleepily back-hugging Yoongi.

"Mm, why are you up late hyung?" He yawned.

Yoongi turned to face him and wrapped his hands around Jimin's waist.

"Jin and Namjoon came over." He pecked his lips. "Supposedly the cafe was "robbed"

"Is everything okay?" Jimin snaked his hands around Yoongi's neck and laid his head on his chest.

"Yeah, they didn't get hurt or anything, but Jin was very sad that they ran off with their coats."

"That's good." Yoongi hummed in agreement and Jimin chuckled at the nice vibration.

The two slowly swayed side to side as if they were dancing to music that they could both hear.

Jimin stared up adoringly at the older as he led them through their dance.

Yoongi was beautiful, and Jimin would easily admit to that. His very soft and delicate features allured Jimin and the younger just couldn't help himself but to watch his deadly attractive boyfriend.

"Haha, what's up Jiminie?" Yoongi chuckled and planted a kiss on his forehead.

"Do you know how good you look?" Jimin asked and but his lip. "Like you're so beautiful hyung."

Yoongi smiled and their foreheads met. "Not as beautiful and good looking as you Park Jimin. But I thank you."

"Whatever you say hyung." Just as he was pulling away, Yoongi placed his lips onto his neck.

Jimin could feel the older's warm breath just practically taunting him. It felt so nice and yet Yoongi barely did anything.

He craned his neck to the side in hopes of Yoongi going in for more and that's exactly what he did.

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