~ 17 ~

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Saturday had arrived and it was finally the day the group would get together and officially meet.

The party was going to be hosted at the parent's house - Jin and Namjoon of course.

It was now an hour before the party would start and Jimin was now standing in front of his closet deciding what to wear. He ended up with a pair of black ripped jeans and a striped tee.  He slipped on his shoes and waited until Yoongi came to pick him up.

He arrived around ten minutes later  and the two left Jimin's house. Yoongi jogged towards the passenger side before Jimin was there, to open the door for him.

"Wow, such a gentleman." Jimin giggled as he stepped in but not before giving Yoongi a 'thanks'.

"Of course." Yoongi smiled and got into the car. "So where are we picking up your friends?"

"There at Tae's place," Jimin grabbed his phone and typed in the address. "Here, I put it in the GPS." Jimin smiled and handed Yoongi his phone.

"Thanks Jiminie." Yoongi smiled and pinched his cheek. Jimin blushed and turned his head towards the window.

Neither one of them had mentioned the kiss since it happened, but Yoongi did get touchier these last past days.

When he was at his temporary home with Jin and Namjoon, he smiled more, laughed more, and even embraced them more than he used to.

When Jin and Namjoon grew suspicious of Yoongi's behavior and noticed how much time he and Jimin spent together, the couple quickly refered to Yoongi as whipped.

Jimin would be lying if he said he didn't like this new side of Yoongi. He absolutely loved the attention he was getting from the older.

When they arrived at Taehyung's house, they younger couple were already outside waiting. The two boys excitedly waved and jumped into the car, causing it to shake a bit.

"Hey! Be careful you two!" Yoongi scolded. "Yes Yoongi-hyung!" Taehyung said, his boxy smile coming into place.

Yoongi rolled his eyes but smiled afterwards. Jimin noticed this, and laughed at him. Yoongi smiled at Jimin and intertwined their fingers together. He brought them up and kissed Jimin's hand.

Jungkook, who had been secretly recorded and took a few pictures if them, smiled at Taehyung and leaned in to kiss him.

Taehyung immediately kissed back, and the two eventually started making out.

They arrived at their destination and Yoongi parked alongside the curb of the house. He turned back to tell the others to get out, but gagged at the sight.

The two had managed to get out of their seatbelts and Jungkook was now on top of Taehyung.

Jimin bursted out in laughter and Yoongi groaned.

"Noooo! Not in MY CAR!" Yoongi grunted and rubbed his hands on his face.

Jungkook and Taehyung had stopped and were now fixing themselves up.

"We're here. If you didn't notice." Jimin laughed. "Yeah, and for future reference, don't have sex in someone else's car. Especially when they are in it."

"Okay Yoongi hyung. Let's go now, yeah?" Taehyung said and got out.

Yoongi stopped in front of the door and turned to face the three. "Now, before we go in, I must warn you that these three are a bit...different."

They nodded and Yoongi unlocked the door.

"We're here!" Yoongi shouted and in came Jin running. He pulled all of them into a big hug and practically crushed them all with his worldwide shoulders.

"Ah! You guys made it. Hello wonderful children." Jin said after he let them go.

"Hello!" Jungkook squealed and jumped up and down.

Jin laughed and ruffled Jimin's hair. "I missed you Jimin! Yoongi would never bring you here. He always went to over to yours."

"Sorry about that hyung. I'll be sure to visit." Jimin smiled and Jin poked his cheek. Yoongi was clearly getting jealous of Jin touching Jimin so he called out for Namjoon to 'come get his man.'

"Hey Yoongi, hey Jimin!" Namjoon greeted. "And you too." He waved to Taehyung and Jungkook.

Jin led them into the large living room where all the furniture was pushed back to make a lot of space.

There were strobe lights, a mixture of purple, green, blue, and red shining all throughout the area. Namjoon had a DJ stand set up in the corner to blast any music they wanted, now currently playing "Ddaeng" by BTS. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

There was also a big table towards the back of the room, covered in snacks.

It looked as if it was an actual club, considering only the seven of them would be there.

The four of them immediately went to the snack table and center of the room to start dancing when the doorbell rang. Jin stopped dancing and went to open the door.

"Anyone in need for some vitamin D?" Hoseok cheerfully bounced into the main room.

"Hobi!" Taehyung shouted and jumped on to the male.

"Wow! I like your hair Hobi hyung." Jungkook complimented Hoseok's pink hair with ash brown steaks.

"Thank you, thank you." Hoseok says while fluffing his hair.

"Okay! Everyone is here. Shall we get this party started?"


a/n: okay so this is chapter seventeen but it's part 18 of "MSSN" i'm publishing it on aug.18th, and my battery is 18%. coincidence much ?

idk why but I felt I needed to mention that for some reason. 😂

but sorry for the suckish chapter, the continuation is currently being made so don't worry I'm not gonna just leave it here.

it may or may not be published today we'll see ?? (probably tmr)

anyways, don't forget to comment and vote✨

tysm for almost 300 reads🌷

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