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a/n : long chapter ♡

3rd Person P.O.V.

Two days later, Jin and Yoongi are on their way to pick up Yoongi's stuff from his former home.

Yoongi doesn't really want to face Ji Seo after what happened the last time he had seen her, despite it being over a week since.

Jin and Namjoon had agreed on letting Yoongi temporarily live in their guest room and he couldn't be any more thankful.

Jin and Namjoon didn't really mind, other than suggesting that Yoongi get out the house when things would escalate between the couple.

The two friends were now parked in front of Jimin's house. Yoongi texted him to know that they were outside and waiting for him.

Almost immediately, the male with cotton candy hair bursted through the doors and ran towards them.

"Hey Jimin!" Yoongi leans off the car to hug him.

"My baby!" Jin gasps and pushes Yoongi back against the car to almost suffocates Jimin.

"Hi Yoongi and Jin hyung!"

"How have you been Jimin-ah?" Jin asks him.

"I've been fine, just a bit stressed from work but other than that great."

"Well if you ever need anything call me. They don't call me eomma for nothing." Jin says and flips his non-existent hair.

Jimin giggles and responds with an "Okay" and turns to Yoongi. "Hey Yoongi, you okay?"

He let's out a deep sigh and answers, "Hopefully soon."

They walk down to the next house and Yoongi pulls out his keys. The door opens and he tells them to wait for him.

He climbs the stairs and gets closer to the closed door of the bedroom. He huffs and throws the door open.

"Get the hell out!" He growls lowly and a guy is instantly up and out the door, clothes in hand.

Back in the living room, Jin and Jimin jump up to see a guy bolting to the front door.

"Yoongi? Are you alright?" Jin asks as he gets closer to the no longer pale male.

"Fine! Fan-fucking-tastic!" Yoongi says as he stuffs his things into boxes.

"I'm better than ever! Couldn't be happier! Living it up right now!" Yoongi sarcastically remarks.

"Jimin get in here!" Jin screams and the said man is there in less than three seconds.

"Please calm Yoongi down. As for you missy, put some clothes on and get your bottom down stairs."

Ji Seo, who has been sitting through the whole thing complies to what Jin ordered her to do.

Yoongi grabbed everything that belonged to him and packed it up, not caring if he left a mess in the progress or not.

Jimin watched as Yoongi cried and packed in frustration. He started acting pretty calm about the situation and Jimin was worried about that. When Yoongi stopped crying, Jimin took it as a chance to comfort him.

"I'm sorry Jimin." Yoongi said as he buried his face into the pink-haired male's neck.

Jimin looks at him with a raised eyebrow wondering why he was apologizing, "For what Yoongi?"

"For letting you see me like this. I bet I look so stupid right now." Yoongi chuckled lightly as he wiped away at the lingering tears.

"It's okay Yoongi, we'll talk about it once we get done in here okay?"

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