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3rd Person P.O.V.

Jimin stirred in his sleep, a low snore emitted from his slightly open mouth, completely unaware of the black haired man staring at him.

With adorning eyes, Yoongi intently watched the koala that was currently attached to him.

His fluffy pink hair that Yoongi was now running his fingers through slowly, his one slightly swollen eyelid, crooked front tooth, and his plump lips.

The beautiful and smart mind he had. His caring nature, and carefree attitude. The way his eyes expressed his feelings for him and lit up as if they carried the whole galaxy of stars in them, Yoongi had come to the conclusion, that he liked every single thing about Jimin.

No, he loved every single thing about Jimin.

"Y-Yoongi?" A small, sleep covered voice interrupted him of his thoughts.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Yoongi greeted.

Jimin's cheeks flushed. Not only at the pet name, but also at the fact that he had just caught Yoongi in deep thought, almost like a trance, watching him as he slept.

"Good morning." Jimin smiled as he sighed, the blush still present on his face. "What time is it hyung?"

"Ten in the morning." Yoongi responded, still not bothering to remove his hands from Jimin's hair.

"Really? I feel pretty rested to only sleep eight hours." Jimin says as he yawns. He feels around the bed for his phone and turns it on.

He squints his eyes as he playfully smacks Yoongi's chest. "You liar, it's almost two in the afternoon."

"Oops." Yoongi says while giggling.

"Mmh, I just wanna lay some more." Yoongi says as he attempts to snuggle them back under the covers.

"A~greed!" Jimin says as he shifts closer into Yoongi's arms, resting his head back on the older's chest.

They lay there for a few minutes, enjoying each other's warmth. Until Yoongi speaks up.

"I wish I could stay like this longer Jimin, but I do have something I desperately need to get done, and the day has already started, so I should get going."

"Oh no you don't!" Jimin says as he grasps Yoongi back into their comfortable embrace. "Can't you just get it done another time hyung?"

Yoongi sighs, but smiles as he thinks about it.

It could wait, but Yoongi couldn't. He couldn't wait another day not being able to call Jimin his, so he's decided, that today, will be that day.

"Sorry, but I'm not sure if I can put this on any longer." Yoongi says as he gives Jimin a small smile. "I'll be back soon so don't worry, 'kay?"

With a hint of frustration, Jimin nods and lets go of Yoongi, allowing him to get ready for whatever he has to get done today.

"Thanks Jiminie." Yoongi said as he ruffled the boy's hair. He even gave Jimin a long, lingering kiss that made him blush like crazy.

Yoongi was soon gone and Jimin found himself instantly bored. He had thought of waking up next to Yoongi, and eating breakfast together. He had plans of spending the whole day with Yoongi, just being lazy together. But sadly, his plans were over before they were even started.

Jimin slowly dragged out of bed and finished his morning routine. He ate his breakfast by himself, and decided on watching a movie once he was done.


"Yoongi hyung!? Is that you?" Tae screams through the phone in excitement.

Yoongi chuckles at his behavior and nods, forgetting that the younger male cannot see him.

"Yes, it's me Tae. Anyways, I need your help with something extremely important."

"Sure hyung, what is it?" Tae asks.

"Is that Yoongi hyung?"

"Yes, Kook. Can you believe it? He called first. Usually it's the other way around."

"Wow. It must be something serious."

"It is! And I need both of you to help."

"Okay! Anything for you hyung." Tae says cheerfully.

"Thanks! Anyways here's the plan..."


Jimin was currently taking a nap when an over excited alien, accompanied by his bunny boyfriend barged into his house.

Jimin sat up with a jolt to the slamming of his door.

"Oh, Jimin~ my bestest friend in the whole wide yoongi-verse!" Taehyung said giggling. "See what I did there!"

"Wouldn't it be yooniverse, Tae?" Jungkook asked as he layed on top of Jimin.

"Uh! Tae, get your boyfriend off of me!" Jimin said while struggling.

"C'mon Kook, we have to get him ready."

"Ready for what?" Jimin asks confused. And as if on cue, Jimin's phone lights up with a notification.

"It's Yoongi!" Jimin exclaims as he smiles widely, his eyes going into little slits.

Meow Meow🐱
To make up for leaving you early, I'm taking you out tonight. Be ready at 7:00.

Date ?? formal or casual ?

Meow Meow🐱
Yes, Minie it's a date. Wear whatever you're comfortable with, you look great in anything.

"Ahhhhh!!! I'm going out with Yoongi hyung! He's taking me out on a date."

Jimin squeals as he reads over the text for the fourth time.

"Are you guys just gonna stand there and smirk all day? I have a date in three and a half hours, and you two are helping me decide on what to wear."

"Gladly." Jungkook responds with another smirk and proceeds to get dragged by his best friend in need of help.


a/n: tysm for 450+ reads!! ily all so much😘

part 2 of this chapter will come out later!

don't forget to vote + comment 🎈🌈

also, I feel like I should give my readers a specific name instead of 'guys' so I'm currently thinking of a name for this mini fandom 😂

(i like the name 'chicken nuggets' so far but not so sure yet)

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