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3rd Person P.O.V.

When Jungkook and Taehyung left,  Jimin and Yoongi went off to bed. Here they were again, both in deep thought with Holly in between them of course.

"They seem like a good couple," Yoongi breaks the silence.

"Yeah, but they aren't together," Jimin sighs. He really wants them to make it official.

"Well they act like it," Yoongi says not quite understanding the boys' relationship.

Jimin smiles as he thinks about Taehyung and Jungkook together. They would be an awesome couple.

"I'll find a way to get them together. They already like each other so the hard parts out the way. Just have to push one of them far enough to ask the other." Jimin says determined, pumping his fist into the air.

Yoongi enjoys the look of Jimin when he has his mind set to something. He looks sexy. Yoongi thinks, a smirk slowly growing on his face.

"H-hyung why are you staring at me like that?" Jimin asks.

"Like what Jiminie?" He asks with a deep, husky voice that has Jimin blushing deeply.

"N-nothing hyung. So when are you going home?" Jimin tries to change the subject.

"Wow eager to kick me out huh?" Yoongi chuckles and Jimin goes wide eyed. "I was only joking, but no worries I'll leave tomorrow. I guess I should get everything sorted out between me and Just Seo."

"Yeah, so have you thought about if you're going to break up with her or not?"

"I've decided to tell to her that I caught her and that's why I've been gone. I'm going to give her a chance to explain herself."

Jimin smiles to himself. Anyone would be lucky to have Yoongi to themselves. Even after Ji Seo cheated on him, he would hear what she had to say first.

After dance practice that day, Yoongi went back home to Ji Seo and Jimin meet up with his two best friends.

"Hi Kookie hi Tae!" Jimin ran to them. "What're you doing?"

"Sorry not now Chim Chim! Kookie is beating me in overwatch."

Jimin rolled his eyes at them and waited for the game to be over.

"Tae! Stop cheating!"

"I'm not! It's not my fault you're losing."

"Says the guy that said he was getting beat."

Jimin only laughed at their bickering. They already act like a real couple, so it shouldn't be too hard to get the two together, Jimin thought.

After almost half an hour of the game still going on and endless comments thrown to distract each other, Jimin unplugged the console.

"Hey! We we're almost finished I was just about to win the game!" Jungkook huffs and throws his controller.

"No I think you mean I was about to win!" Tae retorts and sticks his tongue at Jungkook when Jimin tells them to stop.

"So how are you hyung?" Tae pipes up. "Yeah, how is everything with Yoongi hyung?" Jungkook adds.

"Everything isn't about us, but if you must know he went back to his own home." Jimin tells them and misses their looks of disappointment.

"Yoongi hyung shouldn't go back to her if she cheated. That's not right." Tae pouts.

"Yeah he's too good for her. He should be here with our Jiminie." Jungkook wriggles his eyebrows suggestively and Jimin thumps his forehead.

"Pabo! Why would he go to me right after what happened? He wouldn't do that and neither would I."

Taehyung laughs at Jungkook getting scolded and can't help himself from falling off the couch with tears in his eyes.

He tried getting up but wasn't successful with Jungkook tackling him back onto the ground.

Jimin rolls his eyes, "Yeah I get. You two are cute but stop it."

"Stop what?" Taehyung asks.
"Yeah stop what hyung?" Jungkook joins in on the oblivious act.

"Like you guys aren't a couple. You already fit each other so well."

Jungkook and Taehyung only look at each other and laugh. "We understand where we are with each other so that's all that matters." Tae answers and flashes his boxy smile.

Jungkook smiles and hugs Tae, "Tae's right hyung."

"Whatever makes you guys happy."


"Where have you been Yoongi? I've been worried sick about you."

"Over a friend's. Just needed a little space is all." Yoongi fakes a smile.

"Is everything okay? You don't seem so good."

"Yeah just tired."

"You should go rest then."

Oh hell nah. I know she don't expect me to sleep on the same bed another man slammed her into.

"No no it's okay I'll just nap on the couch."

"A-Are you sure babe? I've been so lonely without you?" Ji Seo says innocently.

"Yeah, I've heard you've been quite lonely." Yoongi responds sarcastically.

"What do you mean?"

By this time, Yoongi was fed up with Ji Seo playing these games.

"Are you sure you've been lonely these past days. How about two days ago? Does that refresh your memory?"

"Yoongi-ah! What are you implying here?" Ji Seo says on the verge of tears.

"Quit the act Ji Seo. You cheated on me and you know it!" Yoongi yelled furiously.

"N-no Yoongi that was a mistake! I didn't mean it!" She pleaded almost drowning in her own tears.

"I'm leaving, I'll come back for my stuff later." Yoongi huffs angrily and slams the door behind him.


Tysm for over 100 reads!
I know it might not seem much, but I wouldn't expect it to get this far. Not without the help of my best friend!

You know who you are so thank you too!

Anyways this is too long for just 100 reads :'( but thanks again for supporting my first ff.

I hope to get better with my writing!

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