E~ 36 ~E

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~ Later That Night ~

"So we're going to celebrate?" Yoongi asked Jimin for the fifth time since they'd arrived home.

Jimin merely nodded. "Y-Yeah, but I want to wait until the time is right."

"What's wrong Jimin? It isn't your first time right?"

Jimin shook his head. "N-No, but it's my first time with you and I don't want to mess it up."

"That's sweet Jimin, but don't worry, you wouldn't mess anything up." Yoongi laughed and wrapped his arms around the boy's waist. "But we could always wait longer I guess..."

Jimin nodded and wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck, kissing him slowly. "Thanks Yoongi." He kissed him again and pulled the older closer.

"I thought we were waiting..?" Yoongi questioned. His voice hitched as Jimin started to palm him through his jeans.

Jimin shook his head and grabbed Yoongi's hand, swaying his hips as he led them to their room.

When they entered, Yoongi shut the door behind them and pinned Jimin to it.

Yoongi smirked and kissed Jimin deeply, his hands already starting to roam the young dancer's body.

Jimin placed his arms around Yoongi's neck, enjoying the cool fingers all over his warm body once his shirt was off and tossed aside.

The older smirked and kissed Jimin deeply, the younger hopping up and Yoongi holding him, moving towards the bed.

He placed Jimin in the center, unzipping his pants and sliding them off his body so that he was almost naked, unlike Yoongi who was still fully dressed.

Jimin whined and covered himself. "Yoongi~ I'm the only one undressed! Take your clothes off too..please?"

"Okay, okay!" He chuckled and slowly took off his shirt. "Help me, yeah?" Jimin nodded and kneeled in front of Yoongi, using his teeth to pull down his pants zipper.

Jimin pulled down Yoongi's pants and he stepped out of them, Jimin going to mouth at his crotch and whip out Yoongi's member.

The older sucked in a breath as the cool air hit him, but quickly warmed up when Jimin wrapped his plump lips around Yoongi's length.

The older moaned lowly and stilled his hips. Jimin took as much of Yoongi as he could and hollowed his cheeks.

Yoongi slowly bucked forward and quickened his pace when Jimin swallowed him whole.

He was chasing his release and shuddered just as he was about to, when Jimin pulled away and smirked devilishly.

Yoongi groaned and pushed Jimin back onto the bed, spreading his legs widely and slamming into him without warning.

"A-Ah!" Jimin's toes curled at the pain and he scrunched up his face.

Yoongi smirked and rocked his hips slowly into him, slightly letting Jimin adjust to the pain before he quickened his pace.

Jimin moaned uncontrollably and secretly loved the mixture of the pleasure and pain.

He whined and begged for more as Yoongi thrusted faster with deep and hard strokes.

Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hair and panted heavily as his body jolted with such much pleasure. Yoongi soon hit his spot and had Jimin biting Yoongi's lips harshly.

"M-mm...Y-Yoongi more!" Jimin whimpered and screwed his eyes shut, his moans becoming silent as Yoongi thrusted faster and faster.

He was close to his own release when Jimin came hard over their chests, gasping for air at the oversensitivity.

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