M~ 26 ~M

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"So? Where were we?" Jungkook seductively smirked at his boyfriend.

Taehyung responded by kissing him and creeping his hands under his shirt slowly.

Jungkook sighed as Taehyung's cool fingers came in contact with his warm skin.

Taehyung unbuttoned his shirt and quickly shucked it off. He gazed over the younger's skin and started to suck lightly at the honey toned skin.

Jungkook quietly moaned as Taehyung let his tongue glide along the dips that outlined his abs.

Jungkook pulled him up into another kiss and groped his butt.

"Mmm" Taehyung mewled once their tongues came in contact and Jungkook groped his butt.

He slipped his fingers into Taehyung's hair before pulling on it when the older started to grind their dicks together.

"Up." Jungkook whispered and Taehyung did as told, still moving his hips in a circular motion to get as much friction as he could.

Jungkook carried them into the room, knocking into a few things as they go, but neither of them having a care at all.

When they were finally settled onto the bed, Jungkook shoved his tongue into the other's mouth.

He roamed every single part and sucked his tongue that still had the lingering taste of lamb skewers Jungkook just couldn't get enough of.

Taehyung broke the kiss just for
his shirt to come off and Jungkook to mark his neck and stomach with more love bites.

both of their pants were removed and tossed to the other side of the room.

Taehyung was pushed onto the bed with Jungkook hovering above him leaving a trail of love bites right before he reached the older's member.

Jungkook smirked as it stood up proudly just from their intense make out session and the now reddish marks beginning to take form on his skin.

"Mmf!" The older let out a high pitched moan from Jungkook biting lightly on one nipple and tugging at the other.

Taehyung reached to stroke himself, but Jungkook swatted his hand away.

"C'mon Kook." Taehyung breathed out. "You're so close, s-stop teasing please~."

Jungkook nodded and led a trail of saliva towards Taehyung's dripping member before giving it little licks and swirling his tongue around the head.

"Ahhh" The older dragged out as he watched Jungkook take him fully.

Jungkook bobbed his head slowly as he reached out for the lube. He popped the tap open and squirted an enough amount on his fingers.

Taehyung moaned lowly at the feeling of the coolness against his rim and gripped onto the younger's hair once Jungkook had fully entered in his first finger.

"Ah. A-ah!" Taehyung gritted his teeth and released his grip from the younger to only hold onto the sheets.

"That feel good?" Jungkook asked mockingly as he added another finger and thrusted faster, all while deepthroating the older.

"Ooh...yes K-kook."

The younger continued to scissor Taehyung before adding the third finger, until he felt the boy was stretched enough.

"Kook...need you now." Taehyung pleaded as he attempted to shove himself onto the boy's fingers.

"Impatient huh?" Jungkook teased and removed his fingers only to circle around the older's puckering hole.

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