Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

December 1, 2012

Lexi’s POV

           “Take as long as you need to prepare, we’ll escort you down to the hospital when you’re ready.” That was the last thing they said to me before I closed the door and let the waterfall flow. 

I sat there at the door and cried for a long time but then I realized that I had Kayla still and she needed me and she needed me to be strong, so I let myself have five seconds of fear and pain and then I stood up and pushed it all away. I dried my eyes with the back of my sleeve, took a couple deep breaths and walked into the room Kayla and I shared.

“Kayla?” I asked quietly, opening the door to our room.

“Hmm?” she replied groggily, sitting up from her bed.

“We have to go somewhere now munchkin, put on your shoes and grab a warm coat okay?” I said, trying to keep my voice calm and steady, and I was surprised. I sounded stronger than I felt.

“But why sissy?”

She was at that age now, that age where all kids do is ask questions, constant questions about everything and anything. Questions there were no answers to, questions I didn't know the answers to. This was certainly a question I wish I didn't have an answer to.

“Mommy and Daddy got into an accident Kay-bear. Daddy's gone baby. And we gotta go see Mommy now.” 

I see her beautiful eyes widen and her mouth form into the shape of an ‘O’ and I see the big heart of that four year old little girl start to break, just like mine. And she was so smart, smarter than any four year old I knew and sometimes I wish she wasn't so smart. I could see in her face that she knew what that meant, she could see it in my face and I cursed myself for not hiding it better, for not doing a better job of being strong. 

"You're not glowing Lexi. What happened? They're not okay? Mommy and Daddy...they're not okay. Are they?" She sounded so strong as she bombarded me with all these questions but I could see in her eyes that she was far from it.

"No Kayla, they're not okay." I picked up her white tiger, helped get her dressed, gathered a few things and we walked out to the two policeman, hand in hand, in our matching bunny slippers.

I walked through the doors to the hospital, gripping Kayla’s hand tightly, our cries had turned into sniffles, but when we walked through the door the to my mother’s room a fresh wave of emotions crashed down on me, threatening to drown me, drown us both.

She was covered from head to toe in scrapes, had a cast on her arm and was connected to all kinds of machines. Seeing my mother like this ate away at my heart, like an infection, a poison, slowly spreading everywhere, targeting every single nerve in my body.

Kayla ran to her side crying for her to wake up. 

“Come here, Kayla” I sniffled, and I opened my arms for her and she walked over to me and I wrapped her up in my arms and held on to her as if she was a bird that would fly away if I gave her the chance, and she didn't complain, she was scared too, scared I would go somewhere.

Then a nurse walked in, and she said her name was May and that she was my mother’s nurse and that the  doctor would be here soon to fill us in.

“Would either of you like some water? This is one of our interns and she can take you to go get some if you’d like” she said gesturing to a young woman standing at the doorway.

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